Tabulated data (fast neutron range)
  1. Tabular angular distributions (En - angle - cross section)
  2. Tabular gamma-ray intensities (En - Eg - cross section)
  3. Tabular partial cross sections to discrete levels (En - Level - cross section)
  4. Tabular residual cross sections (En - Residual product - cross section)
  5. Tabular spectra (En - Eout - particle - cross section)
  6. Tabular total and partial cross sections (En - cross section)
Evaluated formatted data (i.e. ENDF)
  1. The TENDL file
  2. Pointwise cross sections at 293 K (pendf)
  3. ACE file at 293 K (ace and xsdir)
Processed plots
  1. Plots of the cross sections and other quantities: plot
  2. Plots from PREPRO: plot
  3. Comparison TENDL and ENDF/B-VII.1: plot
  4. Comparison TENDL and JEFF-3.2: plot
  5. Processed cross sections and covariances with NJOY in 187 groups: matrix and plot
  6. Processed cross sections and covariances with NJOY in 44 groups: matrix and plot
  7. Processed cross sections and covariances with NJOY in 33 groups: matrix and plot
  8. Processed angular distribution and covariances with NJOY in 187 groups: matrix
  9. Processed angular distribution and covariances with NJOY in 187 groups: plots
  10. Processed angular distribution and covariances with NJOY in 33 groups: matrix
  11. Processed angular distribution and covariances with NJOY in 33 groups: plots
Histograms of the TALYS parameters for random files
Random Evaluated formatted data (gzipped)
    Random ENDF 1
    TALYS input 1
    Random ENDF 2
    TALYS input 2
    Random ENDF 3
    TALYS input 3
    Random ENDF 4
    TALYS input 4
    Random ENDF 5
    TALYS input 5
    Random ENDF 6
    TALYS input 6
    Random ENDF 7
    TALYS input 7
    Random ENDF 8
    TALYS input 8
    Random ENDF 9
    TALYS input 9
    Random ENDF 10
    TALYS input 10
    Random ENDF 11
    TALYS input 11
    Random ENDF 12
    TALYS input 12
    Random ENDF 13
    TALYS input 13
    Random ENDF 14
    TALYS input 14
    Random ENDF 15
    TALYS input 15
    Random ENDF 16
    TALYS input 16
    Random ENDF 17
    TALYS input 17
    Random ENDF 18
    TALYS input 18
    Random ENDF 19
    TALYS input 19
    Random ENDF 20
    TALYS input 20