Tabulated data (fast neutron range)
  1. Tabular elastic angular distributions (En - angle - cross section)
  2. Tabular (n,inl_1) angular distributions (En - angle - cross section)
  3. Tabular gamma-ray intensities (En - Eg - cross section)
  4. Tabular residual cross sections (En - Residual product - cross section)
  5. Tabular spectra (En - Eout - particle - cross section)
  6. Tabular total and partial cross sections (En - cross section)
Evaluated formatted data (i.e. ENDF)
  1. The TENDL file
  2. Special ENDF file with MF12/MT102 (so-called s20 file)
Processed plots
  1. Plots of the cross sections and other quantities: plot
  2. Plots 1 from PREPRO: plot
  3. Plots 2 from PREPRO: plot
T6 input files
Random Evaluated formatted data (gzipped)