TENDL-2021 Nuclear data library
He3 sub-library for Gd (Z=64) and A=136
Tabulated data
Tabular angular distributions
(En - angle - cross section)
Tabular residual cross sections
(En - Residual product - cross section)
Tabular total and partial cross sections
(En - cross section)
Evaluated formatted data (i.e. ENDF)
The TENDL file
(s30, Evaluated Nuclear Data File, explicit channels up to 30 MeV, then MF6/MT5 up to 200 MeV)
Special ENDF file
(all explicit channels up to 200 MeV)
Another special ENDF file
(s0, all channels in MF6/MT5 from 0 to 200 MeV, charged-particle transport, MCNP)
Yet another Special ENDF file
(s60, all explicit channels up to 60 MeV, then MF6/MT5 up to 200 MeV)
Processed evaluated files
Plots from NJOY-PREPRO
Plots from NJOY file