
Random ACE files

Last update: 30 April 2023

As for random nuclear data files in the ENDF-6 format, random nuclear data files in the ACE format can be useful to repeat identical simulations with different nuclear data in the case of Monte Carlo transport codes such as MCNP or SERPENT. This is the whole idea behind TMC (Total Monte Carlo). For more information, please read our paper.

Random nuclear data libraries are provided in the ACE format for reactions induced by neutrons up to 20 MeV. In a "random file", all the nuclear data as included in the ACE format are randomly varied.

Random ACE files for the TENDL library can be found directly in the webpage for each isotopes. If more are needed, please contact us, as each file can be more than 5 Mb.

Below are provided random ACE files corresponding to the ENDF/B-VII.1 library. They are not produced following the TMC method, but using the NUSS approach, as described in this NSE paper, with an application in this ANE paper. The covariance files of ENDF/B-VII.1 are processed in 187 groups and used to generate random cross sections, formatted into If more ACE files are needed, please contact us.

For more questions or if wish to have random ACE files for more isotopes or more samples, please contact D. Rochman at PSI.

You are gently requested to cite this NSE paper when using the random ACE files.

Isotopes for the ENDF/B-VII.1 library

  • 1H
  • (05/10/2016) 340 random ACE files (11 Mb)
  • 16O
  • (05/10/2016) 340 random ACE files (570 Mb)
  • 235U
  • (10/10/2016) 100 random ACE files (430 Mb)
  • 235U
  • (30/04/2023) 300 random ACE files (1.4 Gb)
  • 238U
  • (10/10/2016) 100 random ACE files (1.5 Gb)
  • 239Pu
  • (05/10/2016) 340 random ACE files (1.6 Gb)