# File for Pm183, Maxwellian Averaged Cross Sections at 30 keV (MACS), PSI, Switzerland, 08-31-2022 01:13:53 PM # Reaction calculated with TALYS 1.96 # # # # Recommended TALYS model: 85n8n1261 # ||||||||| # ||||||||fission model (1: experimental fission barriers) # |||||||alpha OMP (6: Avrigeanu) # ||||||massmodel (2: Goriely HFB-Skyrme table) # |||||widthmode (1: Moldauer model) # ||||colenhance (n: no explicit collective enhancement of the level density) # |||strengthM1 (8:Gogny D1M HFB+QRPA) # ||jlmomp (n: Koning-Delaroche optical model potential) # |ldmodel (5: Microscopic level densities (Skyrme force) from Hilaire's combinatorial tables) # strength (8: Gogny D1M HFB+QRPA) # # # Energy (MeV) macs (mb) +/- (10 models) 0.030 1.902e-02 5.852e-02