Tabulated data (fast neutron range)
  1. Tabular angular distributions (En - angle - cross section)
  2. Tabular residual cross sections (En - Residual product - cross section)
  3. Tabular total and partial cross sections (En - cross section)
Evaluated formatted data (i.e. ENDF)
  1. The TENDL file
  2. Special ENDF file with MF12/MT102 (so-called s20 file)
  3. Special ENDF file similar to the TENDL file, but with a transition to MT5 at 60 MeV (so-called s60 file)
  4. Special file (= the TENDL file, but up to 600 MeV)
  5. EAF file (European Activation File) and associated covariances
  6. ACF file (Activation File)
Processed plots
  1. Plots of the cross sections and other quantities: plot
  2. Plots from PREPRO: plot
  3. Comparison TENDL and ENDF/B-VIII.0: plot
  4. Comparison TENDL and JENDL-4.0: plot
  5. Comparison TENDL and CENDL-3.1: plot
  6. Processed cross sections and covariances with NJOY in 187 groups: matrix
T6 input files