Tabulated data (fast neutron range) |
- Tabular angular distributions (En - angle - cross section)
- Tabular residual cross sections (En - Residual product - cross section)
- Tabular total and partial cross sections (En - cross section)
Evaluated formatted data (i.e. ENDF) |
- The TENDL file
- Special ENDF file with MF12/MT102 (so-called s20 file)
- Special ENDF file similar to the TENDL file, but with a transition to MT5 at 60 MeV (so-called s60 file)
- Special file (= the TENDL file, but up to 600 MeV)
- EAF file (European Activation File) and associated covariances
- ACF file (Activation File)
- Plots of the cross sections and other quantities: plot
- Plots from PREPRO: plot
- Comparison TENDL and ENDF/B-VIII.0: plot
- Comparison TENDL and JEFF-3.3: plot
- Comparison TENDL and JENDL-4.0: plot
- Comparison TENDL and CENDL-3.1: plot
- Processed cross sections and covariances with NJOY in 187 groups: matrix