We believe that our great goal can be achieved with systematism and reproducibility. We are so outside the box, that the box is a point
Last update: 29 December 2017
TENDL is a nuclear data library which provides the output of the TALYS nuclear model code system for direct use in both basic physics and applications. The 9th version is TENDL-2017, which is based on both default and adjusted TALYS calculations and data from other sources (previous releases can be found here: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015).
Up to 2014, TENDL was produced at NRG Petten. Since 2015, TENDL is mainly developped at PSI and the IAEA (Nuclear Data Section). Still, many people contributes to TENDL with the testing and processing of the files.
TENDL contains evaluations for seven types of incident particles, for all isotopes living longer than 1 second (about 2800 isotopes), up to 200 MeV, with covariances.
TENDL is not a default or shadow library. Not a single neutron evaluation is based on default calculations. With the HFR approach, all resonances are unique, following statistical rules. For important isotopes, great care was used in the evaluations.
All TENDL-2017 files are original except 22. The 22 following files are taken from ENDF/B-VIII: 1,2,3H, 3,4He, 6,7Li, 10,11B, 9Be, 12,13C, 14,15N, 16,17O, 19F, 232Th, 233,235,238U and 239Pu.
A set of tools, called T6, was used to produce it. T6 stands for TALYS, TEFAL, TASMAN, TARES, TAFIS and TANES. Each code produces a part of the library. Processing tools such NJOY, CALENDF, PREPRO are also used in T6. These codes, and the processing steps are developed by A.J. Koning, D. Rochman and J.Ch. Sublet. Still, the help and feedback of the whole nuclear data, processing and user community is extremely useful. TENDL would not exist without the constructive remarks from all over the world.