
TENDL Citations

Last update: February 24, 2025

TENDL citations in the literature

2025: 28 citations (see below)

2024: 283 citations

2023: 271 citations

2022: 231 citations

2021: 248 citations

2020: 224 citations

2019: 167 citations

2018: 147 citations

2017: 127 citations

2016: 103 citations

2015: 103 citations

2014: 86 citations

2013: 56 citations

2012: 48 citations

2011: 50 citations

2010: 15 citations

2009: 5 citations


1. "Measurement of the 70Ge(d,n)71As cross section from 2.1 MeV to 10 MeV"

2. "Effect of Radiation Exposure on Optics in ITER"

3. "New measurement of 63Cu(g, n)62Cu cross-section using quasi-monoenergetic g-ray beam"

4. "Nuclear level density and g-ray strength function of 67Ni and the impact on the i process"

5. "The Current Development Status in Accelerator Preparation of Radionuclide 68Ge"

6. "ARC-DPA 1-MeV Neutron Fluence Equivalence Model for GaAs"

7. "Studying the minor actinides burnup in the fast reactor core"

8. "Study on (p, n) reactions for the production of iodine isotopes used in nuclear medicine at 1-20MeV protons"

9. "Cross sections for the formation of 84Rbm,g, 83Rb and 82Rbm in 86Sr(d,x)-reactions up to deuteron energies of 49 MeV: competition between a-particle and multi-nucleon emission processes"

10. "Preliminary evaluation of alloying significance of neutron target for high brilliance neutron source"

11. "Some results of 209Bi photoactivation experiment"

12. "Integral experiment on slab natPb using D-T and D-D neutron sources to validate evaluated nuclear data"

13. "Measurement of the Cross-Sections for the Formation of Lanthanum Radioisotopes in Proton Induced Reactions on Ba-135 Nuclei up to 30 MeV"

14. "Radiocopper in Radiopharmacy and Medical Use: Current Status and Perspective"

15. "In-vitro and microdosimetric study of proton boron capture therapy and neutron capture enhanced proton therapy"

16. "Evaluation of different external neutron sources for a hybrid system based on the SEALER reactor"

17. "Post Neutron Irradiation Recovery and Recrystallization of ITER Grade Forged Tungsten Bar "

18. "Predicting Nuclear Reaction Cross-Sections Using XGBoost and Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation"

19. "ross section and isomeric ratio measurements along with covariance analysis for the (n,2n) reactions on 120,130Te"

20. "Preparations for measuring the excitation function of 149g-Tb with alpha beams at the TAMU Cyclotron Institute using Europium Targets"

21. "Platinum as a first mirror material for fusion applications: a comparison with rhodium"

22. "Enhancing reliability in photonuclear cross-section fitting with Bayesian neural networks"

23. "Investigation of He retention in W through combined He characterization methods and cluster dynamics model"

24. "Single-Particle Radiation Sensitivity of Ultrawide-Bandgap Semiconductors to Terrestrial Atmospheric Neutrons"

25. "Evaluation for self-powered neutron detector used in sodium-cooled fast reactor"

26. "Enhancing nuclear cross-section predictions with deep learning: the DINo algorithm"

27. "Results of a Geant4 benchmarking study for bio-medical applications, performed with the G4-Med system"

28. "Prompt Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy: Advancing Dose, Range, and Tumor Monitoring in Particle Therapy"

29. "Prediction of Exotic (n,2n) Cross Sections Using a Regression Tree Machine Learning Algorithm"

283. ""


1. "Investigating 149,152,155 and 161Tb Production Cross-Sections through Gd (p, xn) Tb and Gd(p,g) Tb Reactions: A Comprehensive Analysis Near and above the Threshold"

2. "Opportunities for high-energy neutron- and deuteron-induced measurements for fusion technology at the Soreq applied research accelerator facility (SARAF)"

3. "Reconstruction of neutron spectrum emitted by portable 14 MeV neutron generator by a combination of different methods"

4. "Core design: Review \& perspectives in Spain"

5. "Potential of Radioactive Isotopes Production in DEMO for Commercial Use"

6. "Comparison of the Baseline USL Calculation Methods for Loosely Coupled and Novel Neutronic Systems"

7. "Production of the PET radionuclide 61Cu via the 62Ni(p,2n)61Cu nuclear reaction"

8. "Fission cross-section measurements for the 238U(n,f)97m+gNb, 238U(n,f)133gTe and 238U(n,f)130gSb reactions induced by D-T neutrons"

9. "64Cu production via the 68Zn(p,na)64Cu nuclear reaction: An untapped, cost-effective and high energy production route"

10. "New directions in nuclear data research for accelerator-based production of medical radionuclides"

11. "Innovative Approach to Produce Pd-103 for Auger-Emitting Radionuclide Therapy: A Proof-of-Concept Study"

12. "Benchmark experiment on slab 238U with D-T neutrons for validation of evaluated nuclear data"

13. "Bayesian neural networks for the evaluation of reaction cross-section of interest in nucleosynthesis studies"

14. "Activation cross sections of alpha induced reactions on 103Rh up to 40 MeV"

15. "Excitation function analysis of a+95Mo reaction to produce medically relevant 97Ru up to 60 MeV"

16. "Extension of recommended cross section database for production of therapeutic isotopes"

17. "Characterization of mineral insulated cables at the WWR-K reactor: First results"

18. "Systematic study of the radiative proton capture including the compound, pre-equilibrium, and direct mechanisms"

19. "Production of 203Pb from enriched 205Tl using deuteron beams"

20. "Computation of Cross-sections by Effects of Theoretical Parameters Code for Production of 52Mn Radioisotope"

21. "Beam-facing material selection for mitigation of residual doses in the HEBT of IFMIF-DONES"

22. "Enhanced a particle generation via proton-boron fusion reactions in laser-modulated plasma"

23. "Experimental validation of 23Na(g, n)22Na cross section"

24. "MCNPX simulation of proton-irradiated construction steels for nuclear installations"

25. "Neutron capture reaction cross-section of 79Se through the 79Se(d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics"

26. "Advancing lithium neutron capture therapy: 6Li-loaded nanoparticles and laser-driven neutron sources"

27. "TASMAN-2.0"

28. "TEFAL-2.0"

29. "Application of the RSV TAPIRO nuclear research reactor for testing a new neutron cross-section adjustment method"

30. "Cross section measurements of 27Al(g, x)24Na reactions as monitors for laser-driven bremsstrahlung g-ray"

31. "Measurement of Atmospheric Flux-Weighted 16 Charged-Current ve - 16O cross section with the Super-Kamiokande Experiment"

32. "Initial Verification and Validation of a New CASMO5 JENDL-5 Nuclear Data Library for Typical LWR Applications"

33. "44Sc production from enriched 47TiO2 targets with a medical cyclotron"

34. "Alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural silver in the 10–50 MeV energy range: Production of 111In, 110mIn and 109Cd"

35. "Advances in the measurement of the 13C(d, p)14C cross section using AMS"

36. "Extending deterministic transport capabilities for very-high and ultra-high energy electron beams"

37. "Comparison of decay heat calculation results by altering nuclear data libraries and isomer ratios"

38. "Prompt gamma rays of terbium induced by inelastic scattering of fission neutrons"

39. "Production of 45Ti radioisotope by proton irradiation of natural scandium"

40. "Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of the first core of the DNRR using MCNP6 and new nuclear data libraries"

41. "Production of Medical Radionuclides in the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Tumor Research - A Status Report"

42. "Simulation study on the production of medical radioisotopes 186gRe by photonuclear reaction"

43. "Thorium as nuclear fuel in Brazil: 1951 to 2023"

44. "Comparison Of Alpha and X-ray Irradiation Effects in nMAG Polymer Gels Used for Dosimetry Applications"

45. "Neutron capture reaction cross-section of 79Se through the 79Se(d,p) reaction in inverse kinematics"

46. "Quantitative feasibility study of sequential neutron captures using intense lasers"

47. "Activation cross sections for the formation of 51Cr and 52, 54Mn in interactions of deuterons with iron"

48. "Cerium-139 radionuclide production from proton-induced nuclear reaction on Lanthanum-139 target for diagnostic applications"

49. "Overview of recent advancements in IFMIF-DONES neutronics activities"

50. "Innovative Approach to Producing Palladium-103 for Auger-Emitting Radionuclide Therapy: A Proof-of-Concept Study"

51. "Radiation dose assessment of 7Be and activated corrosion products present in the hydrogen trap of IFMIF-DONES lithium system"

52. "Neutron spectra from photonuclear reactions: Performance testing of Monte-Carlo particle transport simulation codes"

53. "Mock-ups fabrication by HRP technology with advanced W-alloy monoblocks for DEMO divertor target"

54. "Investigation of 90,92Zr(n,g)91,93Zr in the s-process nucleosynthesis"

55. "Measurement of the 12C(p,n)12N reaction cross section below 150 MeV"

56. "Design of proton-beam degrader for high-purity 89Zr production"

57. "Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) for nuclear data evaluation"

58. "Use of Eutectic Na-Tl Coolant in a Modular Fast Reactor"

59. "High Flux Electron Antineutrino Sources Based on Li-8 Isotope. The Possibility to Construct the Compact Variant"

60. "Testing of V, Si, Ni cross sections for TENDL libraries on fusion relevant benchmarks in support of the development of JEFF-4"

61. "Photo-nuclear cross sections on 197Au"

62. "Measurement of Proton-Induced Reactions on Lanthanum from 55-200 MeV by Stacked-Foil Activation"

63. "Measurement of the neutron capture cross sections of rhenium up to stellar s- and r-process temperatures at the China Spallation Neutron Source Back-n facility"

64. "Design of an Open-Loop Pile-Oscillation Program in the CROCUS Reactor"

65. "Activation cross sections of a-particle-induced reactions on scandium in the energy range of 22-51 MeV"

66. "Research on natAg(g,xn)103-106Ag reaction cross sections with the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 70 and 75 MeV"

67. "Cross section measurement for the 14N(n,a0,1)11B reactions in the 4.5-11.5 MeV neutron energy region"

68. "Vacuum Window for IBA C18 Twin Cyclotron's Beamline"

69. "Lesson 2 A Nuclear Data User Perspective Sensitivity Analysis (SA)/Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) and Target Accuracy Requirements in Reactor Physics"

70. "Surrogate reactions relevant for fusion and fission reactors"

71. "Preliminary nuclear analysis of HYLIFE-III: A thick-liquid-wall chamber for inertial fusion energy"

72. "Big Science Medical Applications from Accelerator Physics"

73. "Photon energy dependence of photoneutron production from heavy targets"

74. "155Tb from natural targets:Rreaction modeling of natTb(p, x) and natGd(a, x)"

75. "Due consideration of the breakup and direct reaction mech- anisms within (d, p), (d, 2p), (d, xn2p), and (d, xn) reactions"

76. "The effect of microstructure on recovery and recrystallization after annealing of two neutron irradiated ITER specification tungsten"

77. "Target Development towards First Production of High-Molar- Activity 44gSc and 47Sc by Mass Separation at CERN-MEDICIS"

78. "Activity and Dose Rate Calculations for Joint European Torus Outer Long-Term Irradiation Station during Tritium and Second Deuterium Tritium Experiment Campaigns"

79. "Shielding optimization to reduce the radiation field in the accelerator systems of IFMIF-DONES"

80. "2009.5 Revision of the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library, with ENDL2009.5-direct"

81. "Illuminating Systematic Trends in Nuclear Data with Generative Machine Learning Models"

82. "2011.5 Revision of the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library: ENDL2011.5 (legacy and GNDS), and ENDL2011.5-direct"

83. "Low radioactivity techniques for Large TPCs in rare event searches"

84. "Formation of bound dineutrons in the 175Lu (n, 2n) 174gLu nuclear reaction and its cross section"

85. "Proceedings of the Workshop for Applied Nuclear Data Activities WANDA 2022"

86. "The spectrum-averaged cross section investigation of 117Sn(n,n')117mSn and 67Zn(n,p)67Cu reactions"

87. "Purification of cyclotron-produced 89Zr for its use in diagnostic radiopharmaceutical labeling"

88. "Fission counter array for pulse-mode measurements of high-flux and high-energy neutrons"

89. "Unmasking Correlations in Nuclear Cross Sections with Graph Neural Networks"

90. "A simulation study of the ability to detect power distribution perturbations in the texas A\& M TRIGA reactor with self-powered neutron detectors"

91. "Analysis of Libraries of Evaluated Nuclear Data Using the Example of Calculations of Np-237 Sphere Criticality"

92. "Effect of nuclear fuel composition on neutrons yield in high-energy-density plasma"

93. "«Method of the known cross sections» for calibration of the fast neutron spectrometer with a single-crystal stilbene based detector"

94. "Evaluation of nuclear data using the Half Monte Carlo technique"

95. "A Nuclear Data Evaluation Pipeline for the Fast Neutron Energy Range - using heteroscedastic Gaussian processes to treat model defects"

96. "Investigation of (n,x) reactions on enriched Ge targets at 15.7 MeV at the upgraded facility of NCSR "Demokritos""

97. "Preliminary design and analysis activities of the deuteron accelerator target for tritium breeding unit test"

98. "Excitation functions of the a-particle-induced reactions on natCr up to 50 MeV"

99. "Production of 165Er with deuterons at IFMIF-DONES"

100. "Predictions for the (n,2n) reaction cross section based on a Bayesian neural network approach"

101. "Legacy (NDF & MCF), GNDS and Direct forms of the ENDL2009. 5 Evaluated Nuclear Data Library"

102. "SMART materials for DEMO: Towards industrial production"

103. "Evaluation of Neutron Cross Sections of 48Ti based on the Unified-Monte-Carlo-B Method"

104. "Nuclear data uncertainty propagation to selected BR2 safety parameters"

105. "TOPAS simulation of photoneutrons in radiotherapy: accuracy and speed with variance reduction"

106. "Insights from applications of the RSTM tool for coupled CFD-activation fluid simulation"

107. "Production of the PET radionuclide. sup. 61Cu via the. sup. 62Ni (p, 2n). sup. 61Cu nuclear reaction"

108. "Extension of evaluated cross section database for charged particle monitor reactions"

109. "White paper on (a, n) neutron yields calculation"

110. "PANDA-FES: Portable and Adaptable Neutron Diagnostics for Advancing Fusion Energy Science"

111. "Modeling of Deuteron-Induced Reactions on Molybdenum at Low Energies"

112. "Solid-phase isotope harvesting: harvesting radioisotopes from beam irradiated tungsten, boron, and lutetium"

113. "Evaluation of cross sections for fast ion reactions with beryllium in helium and hydrogen fusion plasmas"

114. "High-energy neutron emission in thermal neutron-induced fission of 235 U "

115. "Coupling Nuclear Predictions into Damage Simulations with SPECTRA-PKA"

116. "Article High Repetition-Rate 0.5 Hz Broadband Neutron Source Driven by the Advanced Laser Light Source"

117. "The Final Frontier for Proton Deca"

118. "A Monte Carlo Simulations study to predict the radionuclidic yield of 44Scandium radioisotope using natCa and enriched 44Ca on a Solid Target Platform"

119. "Conceptual Spacer Design for the ATR GEN I Target for Pu-238 Production in the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho National Laboratory"

120. "Ccross-sections of photoneutron reaction natMo(g,xn)93mMo at the bremsstrahlung energy up to 95 MeV"

121. "Production Cross-section and Reaction Yield of 76Br for natSe(p,xn)76Br Reaction Channels"

122. "Excitation functions and isomeric cross-section ratios of (d,xn) reactions on 86S"

123. "Measurement of the neutron flux in the NEAR station at n TOF by multi-foil activation technique"

124. "Pu-238 Production Progress at Idaho National Laboratory From December 2022 to December 2023"

125. "Status of the MARS code"

126. "Shedding light on the origin of 204Pb, the heaviest s-only isotope in the solar system"

127. "Location of the neutron drip line for Sn and its impact on r-process abundances"

128. "242mAm isomer yield in 243Am(n, 2n) reaction"

129. "Observation of alpha-particles in recent D-T experiments on JET"

130. "New developments in the MCUNED-Plus code for radiation transport and coupled transport-activation computational simulations in accelerator-based facilities"

131. "Optimized laser production of thermonuclear neutrons from plasma of submicron-sized clusters"

132. "Decay Heat Uncertainty Quantification Based on Stochastic Sampling Method"

133. "Measurement of production cross-sections of natTi(p,x)43K,43,44m,44g,46g,47,48Sc,48V reactions up to 50 MeV"

134. "Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural copper up to 55 MeV"

135. "Actinium-225 photonuclear production in nuclear reactors using a mixed radium-226 and gadolinium-157 target"

136. "Optimizing spent nuclear fuel cask loading for VVER-440 fuel"

137. "Measurement of fast neutron flux during PIGE experiment"

138. "Measurement of cross-section of the 6Li(d,a)4He, 6Li(d,p)7Li, 6Li(d,p)7Li*, 7Li(d,a)5He, and 7Li(d,na)4He reactions at the deuteron energies from 0.3 MeV to 2.2 MeV"

139. "Investigation of microstructural evolution of irradiation-induced defects in tungsten: an experimental-numerical approach"

140. "Comparative study of 155Tb production via 155Dy precursor with p, d and α beams on natural targets for medical applications"

141. "Photoproduction of the 55-57Co nuclei on natNi at the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 35-94 MeV"

142. "Lead Slowing-Down Neutron Spectrometry II: Cross-Section Data for 243Cm(n,f ), 244Cm(n,f ), 245Cm(n,f ), 246Cm(n,f ), 247Cm(n,f ), 248Cm(n,f ) at Energies up to 100 keV"

143. "Actinium Isotope Cross Sections for 226Ra(p,xn) Reactions Measured at Low Energies"

144. "Excitation functions of 72Ge(p,xn)72,71As reactions from threshold up to 45 MeV for production of the non-standard positron emitter 72As"

145. "89Zr production with electron accelerators by irradiating molybdenum"

146. "Medically relevant radioisotope production through low energy heavy ion reactions"

147. "Evaluation of the breeding material activation and radionuclide inventory analysis for EU DEMO"

148. "Experimental cross-section measurement of the nuclear reactions induced by protons on 159Tb: Evaluation of the 155Dy/155Tb precursor system"

149. "Measurements of 115In(g,n) reaction cross- sections using bremsstrahlung photon irradiation"

150. "Dynamic System Modeling & PID Controller Design for a Molten Salt Microreactor"

151. "Refined formulation of the Taylor equation for calculating build-up factors of gamma rays in aluminium and anticipated radiation effects"

152. "Microdosimetric Modelling of Neutron Capture Therapy Effectiveness"

153. "Cross Section Biasing Technique in 3H(d,n)4He Reaction using the GEANT4 Toolkit"

154. "Measurement of the 11B(p,a0)8Be and the 11B(p,a1)8Be* reactions cross-sections at the proton energies up to 2.2 MeV"

155. "Activation analysis of RFT-30 cyclotron target assembly"

156. "Cross section measurements for the production of 49,51Cr and 47Sc from proton irradiation of natural vanadium up to 24 MeV."

157. "Scaling of laboratory neutron sources based on laser wakefield-accelerated electrons using Monte Carlo simulations"

158. "Updating the fusion library FENDL-3.2 b to FENDL-3.2 c"

159. "Scalability study on [133La]LaCl3 production with a focus on potential clinical applications"

160. "ITER materials irradiation within the D-T neutron environment at JET: post-irradiation radioactivity analysis following the DTE2 experimental campaign"

161. "Investigation of the possibility of applying an available cross-section library in the production of ultracold neutron source using Monte Carlo simulation"

162. "Improved modeling of neutron-induced reactions on chlorine isotopes aided through new (n,p) and (n,a) measurements at LANSC"

163. "Precision in Medical Isotope Production: Nuclear Model Calculations Using Artificial Neural Networks"

164. "Measurements of the 128Te(n,2n)127m,gTe reaction cross-sections and isomeric ratio of 127m,gTe at the neutron energy region of the 14 MeV"

165. "Developing power plant materials using the life cycle lens"

166. "Predictive Modeling of Radioisotope Production in Intermediate Energy Proton Irradiation Using PHITS-DCHAIN"

167. "Evaluations and Calculations of Neutron Reactions on 238U up to 20 MeV"

168. "Neutron-Induced Reaction Cross Section Measurements for Palladium Isotopes at 14.77 +/- 0.17 MeV with Covariance Analysis"

169. "TENDL-astro: A new nuclear data set for astrophysics interest"

170. "Conceptual Design of a Thermal–to-14-MeV Neutron Conversion Device for Use in the Advanced Test Reactor"

171. "Proton Induced Nuclear Excitation Functions of 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc Reaction used as a Tracer in Nuclear Medicine"

172. "Preparations for measuring the excitation function of 149g-Tb with alpha beams at the TAMU Cyclotron Institute using Europium Targets"

173. "A Combined Computational and Experimental Approach to Evaluating Ionizing Radiation Produced in Accelerators for Ion Implantation Devices for Radiation Shielding"

174. "Proceedings for the Workshop on Applied Nuclear Data Activities 2024"

175. "A review of the current nuclear data performance assessments in advanced nuclear reactor systems"

176. "Systematic study of theoretical estimation of nuclear reaction cross section of proton-induced reactions on Neodymium target upto 65 MeV using TALYS-1.96 code"

177. "Candidate-nuclei for observation of a bound dineutron. Part II: The (n,2n+n) and (g,2n) nuclear reactions"

178. "Systematic study of cross section for proton-induced reactions on Neodymium up to 65 MeV using TALYS-1.96 code"

179. "Summary Report of the Technical Meeting on International Network of Nuclear Reaction Data Centres IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria"

180. "Constraining the low-energy cosmic ray flux in the center molecular zone from MeV nuclear deexcitation line observations"

181. "High power target for the High Brilliance Neutron Source"

182. "Neutron spectrum measurements inside a self-shielded cyclotron during 18F production using a single-cylindrical neutron spectrometer with gold and indium activation foils"

183. "Prediction of (n, 2n) reaction cross-sections of long-lived fission products based on tensor model"

184. "Study on novel neutron irradiation without beam shaping assembly in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy"

185. "Activation cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions on natural zinc in the energy range of 4-30 MeV"

186. "A virtual anti-scatter grid for multi-energy photon counting detector systems"

187. "Measurement of 64Zn(n,2n)63Zn and 67Zn(n,p)67Cu reaction cross sections at neutron energies of 17.10+/-0.82 and 14.98+/-0.81 MeV"

188. "Feasibility of Photonuclear Transmutation of Long-Lived Fission Products Extracted from Used Nuclear Fuel"

189. "Study on novel neutron irradiation without beam shaping assembly in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy"

190. "Calculation of Nuclear Reaction Cross Section of Proton Induced Reaction of Silicon Isotopes from 1-30mev"

191. "Measurement of Excitation Function for Alpha Induced Reaction on Natural Silver up to 40 MeV"

192. "From cyclotrons to chromatography and beyond: a guide to the production and purification of theranostic radiometals"

193. "An introduction to Spent Nuclear Fuel decay heat for Light Water Reactors: a review from the NEA WPNCS"

194. "A Consistent Comparison of Upper Subcritical Limit Methods"

195. "Measurement of the Rates of the 102Pd(n,g)Pd and 102Ru(n,g)Ru Reactions in the Horizontal Channel of the IR-8 Reactor at the NRC Kurchatov Institute"

196. "Nuclear data uncertainty propagation in continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculations"

197. "Excitation functions of (n, p) reactions for the production of iodine isotopes used in medical applications"

198. "Alpha-particles induced reactions on natZr as a pathway of medical 90Nb production"

199. "High-fidelity multiphysics modeling of pulsed reactor heat generation in the Annular Core Research Reactor fuel using Serpent 2"

200. "FECSG-ML: Feature Engineering for Nuclear Reaction Cross Sections Generation Using Machine Learning"

201. "Highlighting cross section library effects on absorption rates and flux for natural elements in a thermal spectrum using TRIPOLI-5"

202. "Updating the neutron radiation source term from [18O] H2O cyclotron target bombardment with protons of 16.5 MeV using MC codes PHITS 3.33 and MCNP6. 3.0"

223. "Progress on Pu-238 Production at Idaho National Laboratory from February 2022 to July 2023."

224. "Converters of very cold and ultracold neutrons: Monte Carlo simulation of their properties and specifics of available data libraries and software"

225. ""

226. "Giant quadrupole resonances within neutron-induced a-particle emission?"

227. "Verification of nuclear data libraries used to design molten salt blankets of a fusion neutron sourc"

228. "Experimental measurements and theoretical calculations of excitation functions of 103Rh(a,xn)106m,105g,104gAg and 103Rh(a,axn)101m,102gRh reactions up to 40 MeV"

229. "Sustainable production of radionuclidically pure antimony-119"

230. "Experimental assessment and analysis of calculations accuracy for the neutron-induced radio-isotopes in copper parts of radiotherapy accelerators"

231. "Neutron capture cross-section of p-nucleus 74Se in the keV region using the activation method"

232. "Conceptual Design Study of the Tritium Breeding Unit for Verifying the Long-Term Performance of the Breeding Blanket"

233. "First 70Zn(p,x) Nuclear Cross Section Measurements for Theranostic 67Cu Radionuclide Production Extended up to 100 MeV"

234. "Adjusting aluminum elastic scattering data from the TALYS nuclear reaction code based upon fast criticalities"

235. "Research on Primary Knock-on Atom and DPA Calculation in SiC Fuel Clad of Micro Gas-cooled Reactor"

236. "Integral yields of photoneutron reactions on Tin isotopes 118Sn and 124Sn in the near-threshold energy region"

237. "Excitation functions for Sc radioisotopes production via (a,x) nuclear reactions on natural calcium up to 25 MeV"

238. "Assessment of Evaluations for 239Pu Photonuclear Cross Sections"

239. "Impact of Photonuclear Reactions on Neutron Dosimetry in 252Cf (sf) and 235U (nth, f) Neutron-gamma Mixed Radiation Fields"

240. "Formation of bound dineutrons in the 175Lu (n, 2n) 174 gLu nuclear reaction and its cross-section"

241. "Final Technical Report for Theranostic Radiopnictogens: 71As, 72As, and 119Sb"

242. "Cross-section measurement of 181Ta(n,g)182Ta with covariance analysis"

243. "Development of high-power 4K NB3 SN superconducting RF electron LINAC for medical radioisotope production"

244. "Use of reactors and quasi-monoenergetic neutron sources in the study of reaction cross-sections important for advanced nuclear systems"

245. "Transmutation detectors for fast neutron fluence measurements"

246. "Application of reactor dosimetry techniques for source term validation in F-18 production with a medical cyclotron"

247. "Cross-sections for formation of 73Ga through natGe(n, x)73Ga reaction induced by d-T neutrons"

248. "Production cross section measurements of the natPd(a,x)111Ag reaction"

249. "Assessment of photon and proton-induced activation in particles accelerators"

250. "High-temperature 205Tl decay clarifies 205Pb dating in early Solar System"

251. "Unresolved resonance parameter evaluation and uncertainty quantification of 181Ta reactions"

252. "Built-in physics models and proton-induced nuclear data validation using MCNP, PHITS, and FLUKA: Impact on the shielding design for proton accelerator facilities"

253. "What to expect from microscopic nuclear modelling for keff calculations?"

254. "Nuclear data uncertainty in 14C production from oxygen isotopes"

255. "Excitation functions of proton-induced nuclear reactions on titanium"

256. "Nuclear de-excitation line emissions from giant molecular clouds"

257. "Theoretical predictions to produce medical 89Zr radionuclide via the 89Y(p, n)89Zr route at 5-60 MeV: Comparison of experimental and theoretical production data"

258. "DINo: Deep learning Intelligence for Nuclear reactions"

259. "The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments"

260. "Dispersive optical-model potential parameters for neutron scattering on 197Au up to 200 MeV"

261. "Photonuclear cross sections for Au197: An update on the gold standard"

262. "Development of integrated neutronics and thermal analysis capabilities to support design and optimization of fusion engineering demonstration facility systems and blanket design (Final Scientific/Technical Report)"

263. "Measurements and Analysis of Photonuclear Cross Sections of Natural Molybdenum and Ruthenium"

264. "Proton and alpha-particle activation studies of natFe, natCu, natTi and natW targets at low energies"

265. "easurement of secondary neutron spectra and the total yield from 18O(p,xn) reaction"

266. "Fast measurement of the quasi-monochromatic MeV g-beam flux using the 63Cu(g, n)62Cu reaction at the Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source"

267. "Diagnostic development and needs for laser driven MeV x-ray radiography"

268. "Sensitivity analysis of the LMT-006 benchmark experiments with OpenMC"

269. "GTES: A GNDS format nuclear data processing code interfacing AXSP"

270. "Measurement of the 78Se(n, g ) 79Se cross section up to 600 keV at the n_TOF facility at CERN"

271. "Solid phase extraction chromatography-based radiochemical isolation of cyclotron-produced 51Mn from enriched 54Fe targets"

272. "Neutronics using FENDL data: Experimental benchmarking at JET in DTE2 with ITER materials"

273. "Comparison of the calculation accuracy of the neutronics characteristics of a heavy liquid metal cooled fast reactor model using the various evaluated neutron data libraries"

274. "Photonuclear reaction cross-section evaluation of 181Ta, 197Au, and 209Bi considering experimental double differential cross-section data"

275. "The comparison of nuclear data and experimental results for photoneutron spectra on Ta, W, and Bi targets for 17 MeV photons"

276. "Recent progress in JENDL charged particle files"

277. "Overview of TRIPOLI-5, a Monte Carlo code for HPC"

278. "Geant4 Introduction and Applications Workshop"

279. "Proton-induced nuclear reactions on barium-136 for the production of the medically relevant radionuclide lanthanum-135"

280. "Optical Model Analysis of Deuteron Elastic Scattering on 16O Nuclei with Allowance for the Contribution from Resonance"

281. "Multivariate analysis quantifying amount of fissile isotopes for pebble-bed high temperature reactors"

282. "Measurement of neutron induced reaction cross-section of tantalum with covariance analysis"

283. "Measurement of Cross-Section of the 7Li(d,n)8Be Reactions at the Deuteron Energies from 0.4 to 2.1 MeV"


1. "Excitation functions of neutron-induced threshold reactions in Au, Bi, Ta measured using 30–94 MeV quasi mono-energetic neutron sources"

2. "Neutron and gamma multiplicities calculated in the consistent framework of the Hauser-Feshbach Monte Carlo code FIFRELIN"

3. "Production cross sections of natZn(a,x)68,69Ge,66,67Ga,65Zn reactions up to 46. MeV"

4. "Measurement and calculation of isomeric cross section ratios for the natW(3He, x)184m,gRe reactions"

5. "Cross-section measurements of the 81Br(n,2n)80mBr reaction via secondary nuclear decay"

6. "Multiphysics FISPACT-II and TENDL-2019 simulation: neutron-induced damage metrics"

7. "Production cross sections of terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 24 MeV"

8. "Evaluation of the GaAs displacement damage metric using updated nuclear data"

9. "Nuclear data uncertainty propagation and implications for radioactive waste management of fusion steels"

10. "Comparative Study of a Decadentate Acyclic Chelate, HOPO-O10, and Its Octadentate Analogue, HOPO-O8, for Radiopharmaceutical Applications"

11. "Technical note: A software framework for calculating compositionally dependent in situ 14C production rates"

12. "High-yield cyclotron production of 203Pb using a sealed 205Tl solid target"

13. "Measurement of the 236,238U(n,f) cross sections from the threshold to 200 MeV at CSNS Back-n"

14. "Theoretical consideration of isomeric ratios in some photonuclear reactions induced by bremsstrahlung with endpoint energy in giant dipole resonance region using Talys 1.95 code"

15. "The 14N (n, p) reaction cross-section measurement at n TOF-CERN and its application to the design of a facility for neutron capture therapy"

16. "JENDL photonuclear data file 2016"

17. "Validation of LWR fuel depletion calculation module of reactor physics code system CBZ"

18. "Cross-section measurements for 68Zn (p, 2p) 67Cu and 68Zn (p, 2n) 67Ga reactions using a newly developed separation method for the superposed γ-ray spectra"

19. "Production of 11C, 13N and 15O in proton-induced nuclear reactions up to 200 MeV"

20. "Simulation Studies on Backgrounds in nEXO from Radon-daughter Plate-out"

21. "The 14N (n, p) reaction cross-section measurement at n TOF-CERN and its application to the design of a facility for neutron capture therapy"

22. "A peculiarity of nuclear flow in the stellar CNO cycle with energetic particles"

23. "A comparative study on k-infinity uncertainty due to cross-section covariance data in nuclear data libraries"

24. "Deuteron and a-particle-induced nuclear reactions on 45Sc: activation cross section measurement and thick target yield evaluation"

25. "An investigation of the effects of optical model potentials and level density models on the calculation of excitation function for the production of medical isotopes 68Ge and 82Sr through alpha and proton induced nuclear reactions"

26. "The DarkSide-20k TPC and Underground Argon Cryogenic System"

27. "Cosmogenic Activation Calculation of Experiments using Liquid Argon Targets"

28. "Defect evolution of neutron irradiated ITER grade tungsten after annealing"

29. "A study on the cross-section data of 43,44m,46,47Sc isotopes via (d,x) reactions on natural abundance targets under the effects of deuteron optical models"

30. "63Cu(n, a)60Co cross sections in the MeV region"

31. "Nuclear data generation and implementation for analog Monte Carlo simulation"

32. "Cyclotron production of 103Pd using a liquid target"

33. "Measurement of the Pu 239 (n, f) cross section from 4 keV to 100 MeV using the white neutron source at the CSNS Back-n facility"

34. "Nano Yttrium-90 and Rhenium-188 production through medium medical cyclotron and research reactor for therapeutic usages: A Simulation study"

35. "Indirect measurement of the (n,g)127Sb cross section"

36. "ndirect measurement of the (n, g) 127Sb cross section"

37. "Measurement of isomeric yield ratios for 104m,gAg and 106m,gAg isotopes using bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 45-75 MeV"

38. "Optical potential for incident and emitted low-energy a particles. III. Non-statistical processes induced by neutrons on Zr, Nb, and Mo nuclei"

39. "Application of VERDI detectors for ITER materials activation product inventory characterization"

40. "Measurement of wide energy range neutrons with a CLYC(Ce) scintillator"

41. "Performance of machine learning algorithms on neutron activations for Germanium isotopes"

42. "Analysis of nucleon-nucleus scattering data using a density-dependent semi-microscopic optical model with channel coupling"

43. "Preparation of [68Ga]Ga-Chloride from 68Zn solid target for the synthesis of pharmaceutical grade [68Ga]Ga-PSMA-11 and [68Ga]Ga-DOTA-TATE"

44. "Production of Co-58m in a siphon-style liquid target on a medical cyclotron"

45. "g-ray emission in proton-induced nuclear reactions on natC and Mylar targets over the incident energy range, Ep = 30 - 200 MeV. Astrophysical implications"

46. "141Pr(,x): New Cross-Section Data With Special Reference to 140Nd Production for Medicine"

47. "Data-Driven Methods for Low-Energy Nuclear Theory"

48. "Cross section measurements of the 12C(n, a0)9Be and 12C(n, n+3a) reactions in the ten-MeV region"

49. "Experimental study of medical isotopes 62,64Cu and 68Ga production using intense picosecond laser pulse"

50. "Investigation of charged-particle induced reactions on 27Al up to 100 MeV leading to the formation of 22Na and 24Na"

51. "Measurement of neutron-induced fission cross sections of 232Th from 1 to 300 MeV at CSNS back-n"

52. "Observation of a candidate for the M1 scissors resonance in odd-odd 166Ho"

53. "Determination of nuclear level density based on a fully microscopic statistical partition function method for 58Ni"

54. "Monte Carlo simulation of the radiation source term from [18O]H2O cyclotron target bombardment with protons of 16.5 MeV"

55. "TOUCANS: A versatile Monte Carlo neutron transport code based on GEANT4"

56. "VNbCrMo refractory high-entropy alloy for nuclear applications"

57. "Determination of 170,172Yb(a,n)173,175Hf reaction cross sections in a stacked-target experiment"

58. "Compilation of isomeric ratios of light particle induced nuclear reactions"

59. "Systematic study of (p, n) and (p, 2n) reactions on 110Cd"

60. "Consistent optical potential for incident and emitted low-energy α particles. III. Nonstatistical processes induced by neutrons on Zr, Nb, and Mo nuclei"

61. "Estimations for the Production Cross Sections of Medical 61, 64, 67Cu Radioisotopes by Using Bayesian Regularized Artificial Neural Networks in (p, a) Reactions"

62. "Status of the US Nuclear Data Program Report from the Nuclear Data Charge Subcommittee of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee"

63. "A Novel Method of Sub-milimeter Range Verification for Hadron Therapy using a Tumour Marker"

64. "Development of Tracer Particles for Positron Emission Particle Tracking"

65. "Production and characterization of 111Ag radioisotope for medical use in a TRIGA Mark II nuclear research reactor"

66. "Ab initio study of tungsten-based alloys under fusion power-plant conditions"

67. "Flux-Independent Uncertainty Propagation of Nuclear Cross Section Data Using the Windowed Multipole Formalism"

68. "Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural tungsten for osmium and rhenium radionuclides"

69. "Measuring sub-second isomers using photon activation"

70. "Testing hadronic and photohadronic interactions as responsible for ultrahigh energy cosmic rays and neutrino fluxes from starburst galaxies"

71. "Importance of cross reaction covariance data for user applications"

72. "Covariance evaluation of neutron cross sections in CENDL"

73. "MARGE - a new ModulAr Robotic Gas-jet targEt system for chemistry studies with homologues of superheavy elements"

74. "Laser-Driven Neutron Generation with Near-Critical Targets and Application to Materials Characterization"

75. "Effect of correlation between cross sections and angular distributions in nuclear data of 63Cu on estimation of uncertainty of neutron penetration"

76. "Photonuclear Production of 67Cu From Gallium"

77. "Quantitative feasibility study of astrophysical rapid neutron capture demonstration using intense lasers"

78. "Measurement of the isomeric yield ratios of 196m,gAu and 195m,gHg in the 197Au(p,x) reaction"

79. "Photon Activation Analysis in Gallium, Nickel, and Vanadium"

80. "Nuclear data for fusion:Inventory validation successes and future needs"

81. "Measurements of the neutron spectra from the p+Be neutron generator of the NPI CAS"

82. "Neutron-induced fission cross sections of 232Th and 233U up to 1 GeV using parallel plate avalanche counters at the CERN n_TOF facility"

83. "An absolute measurement of the neutron production rate of a spent nuclear fuel sample used for depletion code validation"

84. "Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on manganese up to 30 MeV"

85. "TENDL-based evaluation and adjustment of p+111Cd between 1 and 100 MeV"

86. "Activation Cross Section Measurement of the (n,2n) Reaction on 203Tl at 16.4 MeV, 18.9 MeV and Theoretical Calculations via the EMPIRE code"

87. "Study of the cross section biasing technique using GEANT4 and determination of the parasitic neutrons at N.C.S.R. Demokritos"

88. ""Proton decays from a-unbound states in 22Mg and the 18Ne(a,p0)21Na cross section

89. "Development of BNBSL: A beta-gamma spectra library for spectrometry applications"

90. "Model-consistent study of level densities and g-strength functions for r-process simulations"

91. "PyNjoy2016: an open source system for producing cross sections libraries for DRAGON5 and SERPENT2"

92. "Experimental and theoretical study of the Cu 65 (n, p) Ni 65 reaction cross section from reaction threshold up to 25 MeV"

93. "Detailed data sets related to the MAHE-Manipal evaluation of nuclear data of 232Th (n, 2n) 231Th reaction cross section with inclusion of a comprehensive covariance analysis"

94. "Photoproton Production of 99 m Tc and Its Theranostic Counterpart 101Tc via (g, p) Reaction on Ruthenium"

95. "Co-segregation of Y and Zr in W-Cr-Y-Zr alloys: First-principles modeling at finite temperature and application to SMART materials"

96. "Activation Analysis for the Inboard Region of FNSF Using SERPENT"

97. "Measurement of 109Ag (n, g) 110mAg reaction cross section in the incident neutron energy 0.5-1.6 MeV"

98. "Impact of the ageing of materials on primary damage induced by different neutron spectra"

99. "Characterization of the secondary neutron field inside a cyclotron for production of radiopharmaceuticals"

100. "Photonuclear production of nuclear isomers using bremsstrahlung induced by laser-wakefield electrons"

101. "On the feasibility of online terbium extraction at ISOL at MYRRHA"

102. "12C (n, n+ 3a) and 12C (n, a0) 9Be cross sections in the MeV neutron energy region"

103. "Calculation of Neutron and Gamma Yields of (a,n) and (a,ng) Reactions by Means of a New Version of the NeuCBOT Program for low background Experiments"

104. "Neutron production in the interaction of 200-MeV deuterons with Li, Be, C, Al, Cu, Nb, In, Ta, and Au"

105. "Activation cross-sections for short-lived reaction products on hafnium isotopes induced by 1 - 20 MeV neutrons"

106. "Excitation functions of the 197Au(p,pxn) and 197Au(p,xn) reactions"

107. "Validation of calculational determination of 18O(p,n) secondary neutron field"

108. "Deuteron and alpha sub-libraries of JENDL-5"

109. "Role of direct interactions in (d, p) and (d, 2p) reactions"

110. "Overview of the dissemination of n_TOF experimental data and resonance parameters"

111. "High Priority Request List cross-section measurements: 7 Li (d, x) 7 Be/3 H and 39 K (n, p) 39 Ar"

112. "Additional reaction mechanisms to statistical a-emission and the related optical-potential validation"

113. "General-purpose Nuclear Data Library JENDL-5 and to the Next"

114. "76Se(n,2n)75Se reaction cross section measurement at 14.77 MeV neutron energy"

115. "Using I135-Xe135 Parent-Daughter Isotopic Activity Ratio for Dating a Recent Nuclear Event"

116. "Average photonuclear cross section measurements for the 141Pr, 160Gd and 162Er isotopes and compared with Geant4 simulations"

117. "Production and radiochemistry of antimony-120m: Efforts toward Auger electron therapy with 119Sb"

118. "Structure of mass distributions of photofission product yields of 238U at 17.5 MeV Bremsstrahlung energy"

119. "Benchmarking of Proton- and Neutron-Induced Nuclear Data with MCNP6.2 Using SINBAD Experiments"

120. "The current status of inelastic and capture Gamma-ray production evaluations in translated ENDF-VIII. 0 GNDS files and recommended remediation actions"

121. "Stacked target irradiations and radiochemical separations for simultaneous production of short-lived Ni and Ir isotopes"

122. "TALYS: modeling of nuclear reactions"

123. "Revisiting p-11B fusion cross section and reactivity, and their analytic approximations"

124. "Neutron induced reaction cross section measurement for silver with detailed uncertainty quantification"

125. "Hybrid acceleration of compact ion bunches by few-cycle laser pulses in gas jets of two atomic species"

126. "Progress on Pu-238 Production at Idaho National Laboratory From February 2022 to December 2022"

127. "Neutronic analysis of the European sodium cooled fast reactor with Monte Carlo code OpenMC"

128. "g-photons and high-energy electrons produced by neutron irradiation in nuclear materials"

129. "Strategy to minimize induced 24Na, 56Mn activity in concrete composites used for fast neutron shielding: impact of cement and rock aggregates"

130. "A method to simulate Twin Frisch-grid ionization chamber response to fission fragments"

131. "Study of cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k experiment"

132. "Measurement of spectrum-averaged cross sections of the (n,p) and (n,n') reactions on strontium by fast neutrons of a TRIGA reactor: comparison with integrated data from excitation functions of various data libraries"

133. "Systematic study of the (n, p) reaction cross section on 112Cd isotope from reaction threshold to 20 MeV energies"

134. "Measurement of the (n,2n) reaction cross-sections for iodine and cesium induced by D-T neutron with covariance analysis"

135. "Measurement of 85Rb(n, 2n)84mRb reaction cross-section at 15.72+/-0.59 and 16.73+/-0.66 MeV"

136. "Measurements of neutron capture cross sections on 109Ag at 0.53, 1.05, 1.66 MeV"

137. "Activity Treatment of Some Long-Lived Radioactive Nuclides Using Thermal Neutron Incineration"

138. "Simulated performance evaluation of d-Be compact fast neutron source"

139. "Manufacture of Tl targets by electrodeposition for the study of excitation functions of 203 Pb"

140. "Can we reach suitable 161Tb purity for medical applications using the 160Gd(d,n) reaction ?"

141. "Targetry for the in-beam activation of tracer particles for positron emission particle tracking"

142. "Co-segregation of Y and Zr in W-Cr-Y-Zr alloys: First-principles modeling at finite temperature and application to SMART materials"

143. "OpenMC interpretation and analysis of two series highly-enriched-uranium thermal-spectrum benchmarks for nuclear data validation"

144. "Study on (n, a) reactions for the production of 51Cr, 89Sr, 99Tc, 131I, 133Xe, 137Cs and 153Sm radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine"

145. "A Monte Carlo study of high-LET particle production in proton boron therapy"

146. " Nuclear Level Density and g-ray Strength Function of 67Ni and the impact on the i-process"

147. "Evolution of the F82H/Cr interface after solid-state diffusion bonding below Ac1 temperature: examination of microstructures and hardness"

148. "New JENDL-4.0/HE neutron and proton ACE files"

149. "Sensitivity of the r-process rare-Earth peak abundances to nuclear masses"

150. "GATA: Nuclear structure advancements with high-energy gamma rays"

151. "Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 230Th at the CERN n_TOF facility"

152. "Synthesis of 197m/gHg labelled gold nanoparticles for targeted radionuclide therapy"

153. "Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural rhenium up to 23 MeV"

154. "Experimental assessment of nuclear cross sections for the production of Tb radioisotopes with a medical cyclotron"

155. "Production and chemical separation of 229Pa toward observation of g rays of 229mTh"

156. "Production cross-section calculations of some strontium isotopes via (p,x) reactions on natural abundance rubidium using different level density models"

157. "The development of cyclotron-based radiopharmaceuticals: a comprehensive review of 64Cu and 123I-radiolabeled urea-based small molecule PSMA ligands"

158. "Measurement of the 181Tan,g) cross sections up to stellar s-process temperatures at the CSNS Back-n"

159. "The Fission Fragment Rocket Engine for Mars Fast Transit"

160. "Isomeric pair m,gNb in photonuclear reactions on natMo at end-point bremsstrahlung energy of 35-95 MeV"

161. "Efficient production of nuclear isomer 93mMo with laser-accelerated proton beam and an astrophysical implication on 92Mo production"

162. "Separation of cyclotron-produced cobalt-55/58m from iron targets using cation exchange chromatography with non-aqueous solvents and extraction chromatography"

163. "Impact of level densities and g-strength functions on r-process simulations"

164. "Measurement of 58co(n,xp) cross sections by a surrogate method"

165. "Choice of the Target Material for a Compact Neutron Source at a Proton Energy of 20-100 MeV"

166. "Multiple scattering calculations for proton beams: Comparison of results from the general-purpose Monte Carlo codes penh, fluka and topas"

167. "EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation for fast neutron-induced fission cross section of thorium-232"

168. "229Pa cross section measurements via deuteron irradiation of 232Th"

169. "(n,2n) cross section calculations for tungsten, tantalum and osmium nuclei"

170. "Study of terbium production from enriched Gd targets via the reaction 155Gd(d,2n)155Tb"

171. "Search for an Electroweak Tensor Coupling with Trapped 8 Li beta-Decay"

172. "Short-lived noble gas effluent trends from a research reactor"

173. "Measurement of the 141Pr(n,g) cross section up to stellar s-process temperatures at the China Spallation Neutron Source Back-n facility"

174. "Towards Realistic and High Fidelity Models for Nuclear Reactor Power Synthesis Simulation with Self-Powered Neutron Detectors"

175. "Elemental analysis of different samples using nuclear analytical techniques and investigation of some nuclear reaction parameters using low energy cyclotron"

176. "Assessment of neutron irradiation effects via PKA spectra, displacement damage, and gas production: Application to reactor pressure vessel"

177. "PADF-2. Data for stable isotopes of Ca, Cr, Fe, and Ni"

178. "Irradiation experiments of titanium beryllide samples in the WWR-K reactor"

179. "Measurement and analysis of the neutron-induced total cross-sections of 209Bi from 0.3 eV to 20 MeV on the Back-n at CSNS"

180. "Activation cross sections of radionuclides produced by alpha induced reactions on natCd up to 40 MeV for optimized production of 117mSn"

181. "EXFOR-based simultaneous evaluation for neutron-induced fission cross section of plutonium-242"

182. "Isomeric pair 95m,gNb in the photonuclear reactions on natMo at the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 38-93 MeV"

183. "Monte Carlo simulation of 64Cu production"

184. "A study on bone metastasis management by radiotherapy and production routes of an alternative radioisotope"

185. "Methodology for measuring photonuclear reaction cross sections with an electron accelerator based on Bayesian analysis"

186. "Production routes analysis of PET agent 72As from alpha and proton induced reaction using different level density models"

187. "pyEGAF: An open-source python library for the evaluated Gamma-ray activation file"

188. "Development of nuclear de-excitation model EBITEM Ver.2"

189. "Determination of excitation function for alpha induced reactions on 237Np and 238Pu"

190. "Co-production of 155Tb and 152Tb irradiating 155Gd/151Eu tandem target with a medium energy a-particle beam"

191. "Development of Neural-Network-Based Digital Pulse Processing for Photoneutron Detection"

192. "Candidate-nuclei for observation of a bound dineutron. Part I: the (n,2n) nuclear reaction"

193. "Empirical formula for (n, f) reaction cross sections of uranium isotopes at 1-20 MeV neutrons"

194. "Experimental investigation of the effect of ionization on the 51V (p, n) 51Cr reaction"

195. "Optimization of target system for the production of 99Mo via 100Mo(g,n)99Mo reaction"

196. "ITER materials irradiation within the D-T neutron environment at JET Post-irradiation analysis outcomes and recommendations"

197. "p-Type Behavior of Carbon on n-Type GaN Schottky-Barrier Diodes Doped by Neutron Transmutation Effects"

198. "Time-dependent evaluation of machine and shielding activation for medical accelerator systems"

199. "Isomeric pair 95m,gNb in the photonuclear reactions on natMo at the bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 38-93 MeV"

200. "Comparative Analysis of the Excitation Functions of 238U as Breeder Fuel Using OPTMAN Code."

201. "Effects of Excitation in Neutron Induced Fissile Isotopes of Uranium Using the OPTMAN Code Up to 20 MeV."

202. "Study of thulium-167 cyclotron production: a potential medically-relevant radionuclide"

203. "Radionuclide Tracing Based in situ Corrosion and Mass Transport Monitoring of 316L Stainless Steel in a Molten Salt Closed Loop"

204. "Multisignal ionization chamber with a B4C coating as an active neutron beam spectrometer: Monte Carlo simulations"

205. "Multiple scattering calculations for proton beams: Comparison of results from the general-purpose Monte Carlo codes penh, fluka and topas"

206. "Validating Geant4 with Monte Carlo simulations in the context of nuclear disarmament verification"

207. "Use the Phenomenological Approach in Calculation of Deuteron Spectrum for 27Al Isotope in Neutron Induced Reactions"

208. "Comparison of calibration coefficients for a vinten ionization chamber simulated using four Monte Carlo methods"

209. "Effects of Excitation in Neutron Induced Fissile Isotopes of Uranium-235 Using the Coupled-Channelled Optical Model (OPTMAN) Code up to 20 MeV"

210. "Evaluation of Neutron Cross-Section Data Using Gaussian Mixture Model and Digital Filter"

211. "Recent highlights and prospects on (n,g) measurements at the CERN n_TOF facility"

212. "Effects of correlations in uncertainties of total cross section and elastic angular distribution for a deep-penetration of 14-MeV neutrons in Cu"

213. "Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on tantalum"

214. "Understanding the Behavior of Upper Subcritical Limit Calculation Methods"

215. " Calculation of the cross sections of the formation of nuclei in isomeric states in reactions with neutrons"

216. "Measurement of the flux-weighted cross-sections for the natYb(g,xn)175,169,167Yb reactions in the Bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 12-16 MeV and 60-70 MeV"

217. "Assessment of the quality of nuclear data for stable oxygen isotopes for Intentional Forensics applications"

218. "Impact of ion irradiation and film deposition on optical and fuel retention properties of Mo polycrystalline and single crystal mirrors"

219. "Investigation of neutrons' contribution to the practical yield of 99mTc from thick Mo-sample irradiation in 11-MeV cyclotron"

220. "On the accuracy of cross-section measurements of neutron-induced reactions using the activation technique with natural targets: The case of Ge at E=17.9 MeV"

221. "A New Family of High-Current Cyclotrons for Isotope Production"

222. "Measurement of the neutron-induced fission cross section of 230Th at the CERN n_TOF facility"

223. "Study the isomeric ratios in photonuclear experiments on the LUE-40 linac RDC Accelerator NSC KIPT"

224. "Investigation of fast neutron reactions in natural lutetium"

225. "Study of cross Section for reaction (n,g) for (12C, 35Cl, 37Cl, 22Na, 127I) isotope"

226. "Thermal capture and prompt capture gamma databases"

227. "Measurement of fast-neutron activation cross section of the 109Ag(n,2n)108mAg reaction and its theoretical calculation of excitation function"

228. "Fuel and LBE source term calculations for MYRRHA"

229. "Advanced high-magnetic field nuclear fusion reactors"

230. "Monte Carlo simulations for shielding and activation of the 17 MeV MYRRHA injector beam line"

231. "Expected yield of iodine-123 radionuclides from trillium isotopes in the intermediate energy range (20-100) MeV for protons"

232. "Fast neutron production at the LNL Tandem from the 7Li(14N,xn)X reaction"

233. "Measurement and analysis of leakage neutron spectra from Lead slab samples with D–T neutrons"

234. "Discovery of the origin of the enormous 88Zr neutron-capture cross section and quantifying its impact on applications"

235. "ENDF-6 Formats Manual"

236. "FENDL: A library for fusion research and applications"

237. "The Production of Therapeutic Radionuclides"

238. "Effective extraction of photoneutron cross-section distribution using gamma activation and reaction yield ratio method"

239. "The Next Generation of Therapeutic Radionuclides"

240. "Theranostic Imaging Surrogates for Targeted Alpha Therapy: Progress in Production, Purification, and Applications"

241. "Direct photoeffect in heavy deformed nuclei at Eg less than 40 MeV"

242. "Isotopic Composition of Enriched 100Mo for Production of Medical 99mTc by 100Mo(p,2n)99mTc"

243. "Comparison and evaluation of resolved resonance region covariance representations"

244. "Angular distribution uncertainty influence in a large sodium-cooled fast reactor with mixed-oxide fuel"

245. "A Comprehensive Characterization of the Neutron Fields Produced by the Apollon Petawatt Laser"

246. "Proposal for open source GNDS-JSON format with reduced nuclear data structural complexity"

247. "Nuclear Level Density Effect for Induced Fission Cross-section Reactions on Some Even and Odd-A Americium Nuclei"

248. "Tritium production in LWR and HWR reactor environment"

249. "Design studies for A 50 MWth molten salt fast reactor"

250. "Measurement of Br(n,g) cross sections up to stellar s-process temperatures at the CSNS Back-n"

251. "Measurement of fast neutron induced (n,g) reaction cross-section of 152Sm, 154Sm and 150Nd in the energy range of 0.8 to 2 MeV"

252. "Suppression of rhenium and osmium production in tungsten by selective isotopic enrichment"

253. "Low energy hadronic processes in hadrontherapy"

254. "Study of cosmogenic activation above ground of Ar for DarkSide-20k"

255. "The Monte Carlo method and its application to heavily charged particle therapy"

256. "Structure of mass distributions of photofission product yields of 238U at 17.5 MeV bremsstrahlung energy"

257. "Comprehensive analysis of ASTRA benchmark with MCU-HTR and Serpent codes"

258. "Formation and fenomenological description of bremsstrahlung beam for photonuclear processes"

259. "Status of the 226Ra nuclear data library and its impact on the production amount of 225Ac via the 226Ra (n,2n) reaction"

260. "The Monte Carlo method and its application to heavily charged particle therapy"

261. "Neutron source strength verification via reaction rate measurement and Monte Carlo simulation"

262. "Benchmarking of the nuclear data uncertainty quantification capabilities of the SANDY code"

263. "Detecting special nuclear material with active interrogation methods"

264. ""

265. "Production cross sections of radionuclides in the proton induced reactions on natural iron with the proton energy of 57 MeV"

266. "First measurement of the neutron-emission probability with a surrogate reaction in inverse kinematics at a heavy-ion storage ring"

267. "Measuring the surface abundance of iron and nickel on the asteroid (16) psyche in the presence of large solar particle events"

268. "Global Characterization of a Laser-Generated Neutron Source"

269. "Primary radiation damage due to neutron interactions using inexplicit evaluated nuclear data: a case study in isotopes of tungsten using ENDF B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2019"

270. "Production of 99Mo at IFMIF-DONES reusing the flux of neutrons"

271. "236sNp isomer yields in 237Np(n,2n) and 238U(p,3n) reactions"


1. "Automated processing of solid target 86Y using enriched SrO powder"

2. "New method for production of 155Tb via 155Dy by irradiation of natGd by medium energy alpha particles"

3. "Study of neutron capture reaction-induced displacement damage cross section and KERMA factor"

4. "Statistical Hauser-Feshbach Model Description of (n, a) Reaction Cross Sections for theWeak s-Process"

5. "Problems on neutron production data of Be-9 in TENDL-2017 and -2019 deuteron sub-libraries"

6. "Advanced breakup-nucleon enhancement of deuteron-induced reaction cross sections"

7. "Feasibility of a novel photoproduction of 225Ac and 227Th with natural thorium target"

8. "Systematic study of the (n,2n) reaction cross section for 121Sb and 123Sb isotopes"

9. "Generic method to assess transmutation feasibility for nuclear waste treatment and application to irradiated graphite"

10. "Development of a 127Xe calibration source for nEXO"

11. "Impact of H in H2O thermal scattering data on criticality calculation: uncertainty and adjustment"

12. "Radiation tolerance testing of piezoelectric motors for ITER (first results)"

13. "Upgrading of HPCC at Reactor Center JSI in the Last Decade"

14. "Production cross sections of 47Sc via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural calcium up to 29 MeV"

15. "Isomeric ratio of the Ta (g, 3g) Ta reaction products at energy up to 95 MeV"

16. "Definite complete invariant parametrization of R-matrix theory"

17. "Measurements and estimation of cross sections of neutron and bremsstrahlung induced nuclear reactions for neodymium isotopes with covariance analysis"

18. "Photoexcitation of 76Ge"

19. "A feasibility study of the Therapeutic Application of a Mixture of 67/64Cu Radioisotopes produced by cyclotrons with proton irradiation"

20. "Cross-section of (n,2n) reaction for niobium and strontium isotopes between 13.97 to 20.02 MeV neutron energies"

21. "Production and transport modelling of Po-210 in DEMO reactor"

22. "The Appropriateness of Electron Accelerators as Applied to Space Reactors, a LEU Adaptation of the Kilowatt Reactor Using Stirling Technology (KRUSTY)"

23. "Experimental and theoretical study of the 65Cu(n,p)65Ni reaction cross section from threshold to 25 MeV energies"

24. "Recommendation for computing neutron irradiation damage from evaluated nuclear data"

25. "Ionization yield measurement in a germanium CDMSlite detector using photo-neutron sources"

26. "Simulation-based studies on graphite absorption properties for ASTRA critical experiments"

27. "Evaluation of cosmogenic production of 39Ar and 42Ar for rare-event physics using underground argon"

28. "Upgrade of recommended nuclear cross section data base for production of therapeutic radionuclides"

29. "Excitation function of 54Fe(p,a)51Mn from 9.5 MeV to 18 MeV"

30. "Application of dynamic mode decomposition to Rossi-alpha method in a critical state using file-by-file moving block bootstrap method"

31. "A Preliminary Proposal for a Hybrid Lattice Confinement Fusion-Fission Reactor for Mobile Nuclear Power Plants"

32. "Quantitative light element analysis: Complementary IBA methods for H to O detection using an external proton beam"

33. "Activation cross section measurements and estimation of photon and neutron induced nuclear reactions for ytterbium isotopes with covariance analysis"

34. "Production and subsequent separation of 47Sc of nuclear medicine applications using neutron-induced reactions on different natural targets"

35. "Evaluation of ThO2/UO2 fuel behavior at different temperatures in ADS"

36. "Estimation of production cross-sections, transmutation and gas generation from radionuclides (A =50-60) in fusion environment"

37. "Impact of new developments in the commissioning of operational radiation protection in Compact Proton Therapy Centers (CPTC)"

38. "Advanced Graphite Creep Uncertainty Analysis"

39. "Stellar s-process neutron capture cross sections of Ga 69, 71"

40. "Investigation of long lived activity produced due to neutron emitting reactions"

41. "Cross-section measurement of terbium radioisotopes for an optimized 155Tb production with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron"

42. "Effect of titanium doping on deuterium behaviour in tungsten under low-energy deuterium plasma irradiation"

43. "Calculation of recoil nucleus spectrum in the presence of multi-particle emission in nuclear reaction with Monte Carlo method as an extension of CCONE code"

44. "Laser plasma accelerated ultra-intense electron beam for efficiently exciting nuclear isomers"

45. "Measurement of Cross Sections for the Reactions 232Th(3He,p4n)230Pa, 232Th(3He,p2n)232Pa, and 232Th(3He,2p+pn)233Pa Induced by the Irradiation of a ThO2 Target with 3He Nuclei"

46. "Excitation functions of natNi(p, x) reactions in the energy range of 75-100 MeV"

47. "Production cross sections of 52Mn in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural vanadium"

48. "Positron annihilation spectroscopy investigation of defects in neutron irradiated tungsten materials"

49. "Rocks, Water and Noble Liquids: Unfolding the Flavor Contents of Supernova Neutrinos"

50. "Study of the 199Au nanoparticles production parameters via irradiation of platinum target by using thermal neutrons"

51. "Study on the measurement of high energy neutrons using Zirconium capped CR-39 (Zr-CR-39) combined detector - Monte Carlo simulation and experimental validation"

52. "The study of 13C (a, n) 16O reactions in the Majorana Demonstrator calibration data"

53. "Study of inclusive cross sections of 103Rh (p, xp) AND (p, xa) reactions at the EprotonNenergy of 22 MeV"

54. "Overview on Management of Radioactive Wastes from Fusion Facilities: ITER, DEMOnstration machines and Power Plants"

55. "Measurements of neutron and photon induced cross sections for the production of medical isotopes of strontium"

56. "Measurement of Cross Sections for the Reactions 232Th(3He,p4n)230Pa, 232Th(3He,p2n)232Pa, and 232Th(3He,2p+pn)233Pa Induced by the Irradiation of a ThO2 Target with 3He Nuclei"

57. "Neutron Activation Cross Section Data Library"

58. "Development of 17N as a time-tagged neutron source for calibration of large antineutrino detectors"

59. "Excitation functions of proton-induced reactions on natW target for rhenium isotope production"

61. "Non-radioactive elements for prompt gamma enhancement in proton therapy"

61. "Radiolanthanum: Promising theranostic radionuclides for PET, alpha, and Auger-Meitner therapy"

62. "Radiation Response of Group-IV and III-V Semiconductors Subjected to D-D and D-T Fusion Neutrons"

63. "An overview of activation cross-section measurements of some neutron and charged-particle induced reactions in Bangladesh"

64. "Nuclear reaction data for medical and industrial applications: recent contributions by Egyptian cyclotron group"

65. "Measurement of the photoabsorption cross section of 24Mg"

66. "Measurement of the production cross-sections of natCd (p, x) reactions up to 45 MeV"

67. "Optimization of 68Ga production at an 18 MeV medical cyclotron with solid targets by means of cross-section measurement of 66Ga, 67Ga and 68Ga"

68. "Thick target neutron spectral yield and dose measurements with natC (p, n) system at intermediate proton energies between 8-20 MeV"

69. "Oxidation resistance of WB and W2B-W neutron shields"

70. "Gamma-ray emission in proton-induced nuclear reactions on natC and Mylar targets over the incident energy range of Ep = 30-200 MeV. Astrophysical implications"

71. "New experimental data on natDy(a,x) reactions: Details on the production of the medically relevant 161Er, 160Er, and 161Ho Auger emitters"

72. "Measurement of the natDy(p,x) nuclear reactions cross-sections"

73. "Cross section of the 232Th(n, f) reaction in the MeV neutron energy region"

74. "Correction to: Production and subsequent separation of 47Sc of nuclear medicine applications using neutron‑induced reactions on different natural targets"

75. "Effects of combining some theoretical models in the cross-section calculations of some alpha-induced reactions for natSb"

76. "Ion beam Activation of natCu, natTi, natNi and Measurement of Production Cross-Sections at Low Energy (less than 10MeV)"

77. "Calculation of average number of prompt neutrons for 236-244Pu isotopes photofission at energy regions of first chance"

78. "Possible Solution to the Triple Alpha Fine-Tuning Problem: Spallation Reactions during Planet Formation"

79. "Application of ADVANTG Code for the SDDR Calculations on IFMIF-DONES Target Assembly and HFTM"

80. "Investigation of different production routes and cross section measure-ments of medically relevant radionuclide 167Tm"

81. "Study of radionuclides towards theragnostics with the Bern medical cyclo-tron"

82. "Nuclear data for light charged particle induced production of emerging medical radionuclides"

83. "Photo-neutron cross-section of natGd in the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 12-16 MeV and 60-70 MeV"

84. "Double-GEM based thermal neutron detector prototype"

85. "Electrochemical co-deposition of Ni–Gd2O3 for composite thin targets preparation: Production of 155Tb as a case study"

86. "Measuring of the Yield of Reactions 13C(g, p), 14N(g, 2p), and 14N(g, 2n) on a Pulsed Electron Accelerator with Registration of Induced 12B and 12N Activity"

87. "Ion beam activation of natCu, natTi, natNi and measurement of product formation cross sections at low energy (less than 10 MeV)"

88. "Influence of nuclear data library on Neutronics Benchmark of China experimental fast reactor start-up tests"

89. "Radiation transport calculations for the European Spallation Source accelerator environment"

90. "Measurements of neutron-induced light-ion production in Carbon at the energy range 1 - 40 MeV"

91. "An iron evaluation story: from TALYS model parameters to validation on the ASPIS benchmark with the Monte Carlo code TRIPOLI-4"

92. "GaAs Neutron Response Functions and Radiation Damage Metrics"

93. "The MANY project: measurement of neutron yields and spectra from (α,n) reactions in Spain"

94. "TENDL-2021 library for (alpha,n) cross sections"

95. "Multiparticle natSr(g,xgp) reactions induced with bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 55, 60, and 65 MeV"

96. "Simulation of prompt neutron multiplicity of 236-244Pu isotopes photofission at energy region of first chance"

97. "Intermetallic cobalt-gallium targets for production of germanium radioisotopes"

98. "Fission reactions of natural uranium in a deuteron beam by activation detectors"

99. "Measurement of 54Fe(n,2n)53Fe reaction cross-sections at 14 MeV neutron energies using activation method and its relevance for fusion-plasma temperature diagnosis"

100. "Activation analysis and evaluation of the radionuclide inventories, decay heat for European DEMO divertor components"

101. "Application of kernel ridge regression in predicting neutron-capture reaction cross-sections"

102. "Sensitivity to chlorine nuclear data in molten chloride fast reactors"

103. "Algorithm for calculating doses in the internal organs of a realistic rat model"

104. "Estimation of 177Lu activity produced from direct and indirect routes in Indian research reactors"

105. "Arc-dpa and NRT displacement cross-sections for neutron irradiation of materials from Be to Bi calculated using JEFF-4T1, ENDF/B-VIII, JENDL-5, and TENDL-2021 data"

106. "Nuclear Data Evaluation and Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library"

107. "McCARD/MIG Stochastic sampling calculations for nuclear cross section sensitivity and uncertainty analysis"

108. "Technical Note: A software framework for calculating compositionally dependent in situ 14C production rates"

109. "Radiation Response of Group-IV and III-V Semiconductors Subjected to D-D and D-T Fusion Neutrons"

110. "Capability of processing the GNDS format evaluated nuclear data in NECP-Atlas for neutronics calculations"

111. "United States Nuclear Data Program Annual Report for FY2021"

112. "Covariance analysis and measurements of photon and neutron induced nuclear reaction cross sections of gallium isotopes"

113. "Experimental study of C 13 (a, n) O 16 reactions in the Majorana Demonstrator calibration data"

114. "Neutron yield as a measure of achievement nuclear fusion using a mixture of deuterium and tritium isotopes"

115. "Production cross sections of samarium-153 and -145 via alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural neodymium"

116. "Effective primary radiation damage model parameters for neutron irradiation experiments"

117. "Study of Deexcitation Intensities to the K-Shell in Iron 55"

118. "Nuclear model prediction of cross-section for 125 - 119I radionuclides produced in proton + 125Te reaction at 5-100 MeV"

119. "Cross section empirical formulation for (n, 2n) nuclear reactions on natural isotopes from Z= 21 to Z= 79 for neutron energy range, 8-20 MeV"

120. "Benchmark Experiments for Verification of Nuclear Data Libraries for Designing Fusion Blankets"

121. "A Comparative Study on Effective One-Group Cross-Sections of ORIGEN and FISPACT to Calculate Nuclide Inventory for Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plant"

122. "Evaluation of 67Ga cross sections using EXIFON code for medical applications"

123. "A study of alpha-induced pre-equilibrium neutron emission in natural Titanium"

124. "A theoretical study for the production of 32P radioisotope using neutrons from the 68Zn(p,n)68Ga reaction in a medical cyclotron"

125. "A new novel-1-step shutdown dose rate method combining benefits from the rigorous-2-step and direct-1-step methods"

126. "Development and Kinetic Analysis of Emerging Positron Emission Tomography Radiotracer Vandium-48-labeled Vanadyl Acetylacetonate"

127. "Solubility of Bi in Li-Pb Eutectic Alloy Between 508 and 623 K"

128. "Cyclotron production and imaging properties of scandium-44"

129. "Linear source method of characteristics in HELIOS2"

130. "Multiplication Processes in High-Density H-11B Fusion Fuel"

131. "Development of a Novel MCNP-OSCAR Fusion Interface for the 3-D Assessment of Gamma Dose Due to the Activated Corrosion Products"

132. "Lifetime assessment for the first wall components of a fusion driven hybrid neutron source"

133. "Nuclear data libraries for IFMIF-DONES neutronic calculations"

134. "Influence of uranium dioxide and reflector surface on neutron yields of the nuclear hybrid fusion-fission reaction using MCUNED code"

135. "Experience in production of 18F isotope in the Cyclone-30 for synthesis of fluorinated radiopharmaceuticals"

136. "No-Carrier-Added 69/71Germanium and 61/64Copper:"

137. "Indirect measurement of the (n,g) Sb 127 cross section"

138. "Study of Photonuclear Reactions in 165Ho Nucleus at the LINAC-200 Accelerator"

139. "Reconstruction of gamma-ray source activity in a multiple samples set-up"

140. "Radioisotope Products and the Medicine of the Future: an IAEA Perspective"

141. "Current status of nuclear data processing code NECP-Atlas"

142. "Cross section calculations of photofission reactions for 238,239,240,241,242,244Pu isotopes using nuclear level density"

143. "Optimization of a Multi-Layered Target for a Pulsed Power Neutron Source"

144. "Assessment of Production Reactions to Achieve High Radiological Purity Tb-155"

145. "Bias Evaluations in McCARD Criticality Analysis for Low-enriched Uranium Thermal Critical Experiment Benchmarks"

146. "Implementation of Monte Carlo based PET verification of ion beam delivery into a TPS"

147. "Measurement of (a,n) reactions and development of analysis tools with the MAJORANA demonstrator"

148. "Comparison of PHITS2.88 and MCNP6.1 for the characterization of a LUPIN-II neutron area monitor"

149. "Feasibility of Fast Neutron Source in Versatile Thorium Target System"

150. "47Sc and 46Sc cross section measurement for an optimized 47Sc production with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron"

151. "On Cyclotron-Based Production of Gallium-68 Isotope: a Computational Benchmark for the Production Yield & Shielding Considerations"

152. "New data on Ho(a,x) reactions and the aspects of 167Tm and 165Er production for medical use"

153. "Indirect measurement of the (n,g)127Sb cross section"

154. "Determination of the experimental yield of 99mTc in (p,2n) nuclear reaction on enriched 100Mo sample with application of 11-MeV medical cyclotron"

155. "Charged-particle optical potentials tested by first direct measurement of the 59Cu(p,a)56Ni reaction"

156. "An estimate of cross-section of photo-proton reactions on 47-50Ti isotopes"

157. "Smoothing discuntinuities: effect on nuclear fission properties"

158. "Sensitivity projections for a dual-phase argon TPC optimized for light dark matter searches through the ionization channel"

159. "Nuclear Data Gone Awry: Error in the IAEA Beam Monitor Reference Cross Section, natNi(d,x)61Cu, Discovered while Measuring a Discrepant 40Ar(d,p)41Ar Reaction."

160. "Study of the fission cross-section of 230Th at the CERN n_TOF facility"

161. "Isomeric yield ratio of 115m,gCd in the 116Cd(g,n) and 116Cd(n,2n) reactions"

162. "Activation cross sections of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural lanthanum up to 50 MeV"

163. "Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural chromium up to 24 MeV"

164. "Study on (n,p) reactions of 58Ni, 99Tc, 99Re, 131Xe, 133Cs and 186Os radioisotopes used in medicine"

165. "Production route analysis of a therapeutic radionuclide 177Lu"

166. "Cross-section measurement for an optimized 61Cu production at an 18 MeV medical cyclotron from natural Zn and enriched 64Zn solid targets"

167. "Spin assignment and statistical properties of neutron resonances from Dy 161, 163 (n,g) and Er 167 (n,g) measured at the DANCE facility"

168. "Efficient Production of the PET Radionuclide 133La for Theranostic Purposes in Targeted Alpha Therapy Using the 134Ba(p,2n)133La Reaction"

169. "Microscopic origin of the acceptor removal in neutron-irradiated Si detectors - An atomistic simulation study"

170. "Thick target yields of proton induced reactions on natural molybdenum"

171. "Systematic studies of the (n, d) reaction cross sections at 14–15 MeV neutrons energy"

172. "Procedure for characterization and validation of commercial clearance monitors using Monte Carlo simulations"

174. "197Au(g, xn; x = 1- 7) Reaction Measurements using Laser-Driven Ultra-Bright Ultra-Fast Bremsstrahlung g-Ray"



177. "First Report of the Nuclear Data Subcommittee of the Nuclear Science Advisory Committee"

178. "Study of activation cross sections of proton induced reactions on natBa and natCe near their threshold energy regions"

179. "Neutron production in (a, n) reactions in SOURCES4"

180. "The 40Ar(d,p)41Ar cross section between 3–7 MeV"

181. "Response function generation for the transmutation of 129I by high energy neutron and proton interactions in the MCNPX Monte Carlo code"

182. "Experimental verification of efficacy of pBCT in terms of physical and biological aspects"

183. "Optical potentials for the rare-isotope beam era"

184. "Alternative routes for 64Cu production using an 18 MeV medical cyclotron in view of theranostic applications"

185. "Intense g-photon and high-energy electron production by neutron irradiation: effect of nuclear excitation on transport of defects"

186. "Measurement of the integrated cross section of 110Pd(g,n)109mPd, 110Pd(g,n)109gPd, and 110Pd(g,x)108mRh reactions with 70 MeV bremsstrahlung"

187. "New evaluation of neutron-induced displacement damage cross section for EUROFER97"

188. "Discovery, nuclear properties, synthesis and applications of technetium-101"

189. "Fusion Neutronics Experiments FOR Nuclear Data AND NEUTRONICS TOOLS Validation at the 14 MeV Frascati Neutron Generator"

190. "Development of Electron Beam and X Ray Applications for Food Irradiation"

191. "Excitation functions of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on dysprosium targets for the production of the theranostic relevant isotopes of terbium"

192. "Data on radiocarbon 14C generation in the atmosphere under thunderstorms"

193. "Semiconductor Detector Study for Detecting Fusion Neutrons using Geant4 Simulations"

194. "Recoil and charged particle energy spectra from the natSi(n,x) reaction and the Si semiconductor detector response to the 14 MeV neutrons"

195. "Laser Wakefield Photoneutron Generation with Few-Cycle High-Repetition-Rate Laser Systems"

196. "Neutron Yield Calculation from (a,n) Reactions with SOURCES4"

197. "Hybrid Monte Carlo/deterministic activation calculation to support the decommissioning of PWRs: Validation against data from the thermal shield of the Enrico Fermi NPP"

198. "Calculation of displacement damage cross-section for charged particles at energies up to 100 GeV"

199. "Feasibility study of Samarium-153 production by secondary fast neutron bombardment"

200. "Formation of mixed X,n-radiation field at an electron accelerator"

201. "A digital twin for 64Cu production with cyclotron and solid target system"

202. "On the expected performance of the SORGENTINA-RF fusion neutron source"

203. "Assessment of neutron-induced activation of irradiated samples in a research reactor"

204. "On the expected performance of the SORGENTINA-RF fusion neutron source"

205. "Isotopic dependence of (n,a) reaction cross sections for Fe and Sn nuclei"

206. "First near-threshold measurements of the 13C(a,n1)16O reaction for low-background-environment characterization"

207. "Evaluation of OpenMC calculations coupling with PHITS, FLUKA, and GEANT4 for ADS study"

208. "Peculiarity of the stellar CNO cycle with energetic particles"

209. "Production of 68Ge, 68Ga, 67Ga, 65Zn, and 64Cu important radionuclides for medical applications: theoretical model predictions for a-particles with 66Zn at10-40 MeV"

210. "14.77 MeV neutron-induced nuclear reaction cross sections for zinc, yttrium and molybdenum targets"

211. "Modelling cyclotron-based production of radioisotopes via TOPAS"

212. "Investigation of photonuclear reactions on isotopes 51V, natCu, natMo, 115In and 207Pb at photon energy Egmax= 2-70 MeV"

213. "Cross sections of the 40Ca(n,a0)37Ar and 40Ca(n,a)37Ar reactions in the 8.50-9.50 MeV neutron energy range"

214. "Cross sections and calculated yields of some radionuclides of yttrium, strontium and rubidium formed in proton-induced reactions on enriched strontium-86: possibility of production of 85gSr, 83Rb and 82mRb in no-carrier-added form"

215. "Secondary Neutron Production from Thick Target Deuteron Breakup"

216. "Observations of He Platelets During He Ion Irradiation in 3C SiC"

217. "New cross-section measurements of the (n,2n), (n,p) and (n,a) reactions on bromine in the 14 MeV region with detailed uncertainty quantification"

218. "Excitation functions of alpha particle induced nuclear reactions on natBa up to 60 MeV"

219. "Cross sections of the 91Zr(n,a)88Sr reaction in the 3.9–5.3 MeV neutron energy region"

220. "74Ge(n, g ) cross section below 70 keV measured at n_TOF CERN"

221. "Titanium and Tantalum Used as Functional Gradient Interlayer to Join Tungsten and Eurofer97"

222. "Status of JADE, an open-source software for nuclear data libraries V and V"

223. "Evaluated and recommended cross-section data for production of radionuclides with emerging interest in nuclear medicine imaging. Part 1: Positron emission tomography (PET)"

224. "Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on natural platinum up to 30 MeV"

225. "Production cross sections of 198gAu in proton-induced reactions on natural platinum"

226. "On the study of Cu-64 production from 18 MeV proton-induced secondary fast neutron bombardment"

227. "Radiation and Nuclear Physics Aspects of the Use of the Thorium Fuel Cycle in a Hybrid Fusion Facility"

228. "Measurement of the natEu(n,g) cross section up to 500 keV at the CSNS Back-n facility, and the stellar 151,153Eu(n,g) cross section at s-process temperatures"

229. "Post Neutron Irradiation Annealing and Defect Evolution in Single Crystal Tungsten"

230. "Measurement of neutron and bremsstrahlung induced activation cross-section for tantalum with statistical error analysis"

231. "The Source of Medical Isotopes and Neutrons Based on Laser-Accelerated Ions"


1. "Evolution of microstructure in neutron irradiated cold rolled tungsten and its correlation with mechanical properties"

2. "On the influence of the cyclotron components and concrete vault room on the neutron radiation field around the accelerator"

3. "The competing effects of temperature and neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties and microstructure of forged tungsten bar"

4. "Neutron radiative capture cross section for sodium with covariance analysis"

5. "The neutron scattering analysis by 60Cu, nucleus using variational moment approach"

6. "On a fusion chain reaction via suprathermal ions in high-density H-11B plasma"

7. "Cross sections for the 27Al(g,x)24Na multiparticle reactions at Egmax=40 to 95 MeV"

8. "High yield cyclotron production of a novel 133/135La theranostic pair for nuclear medicine"

9. "Study of the accelerator production of 169Yb radioisotope via various particles nuclear reactions"

10. "Actinium-225 Production with an Electron Accelerator"

11. "Novel nano network trigonal prismatic Ba2CoO4-deficient BaCoO3 for high-affinity sorption of radiolanthanide elements of biomedical applications: synthesis and sorption studies"

12. "Activation cross section data of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on rubidium up to 50 MeV"

13. "Nuclear de-excitation lines as a probe of low-energy cosmic rays"

14. "High-Entropy Alloys for Advanced Nuclear Applications"

15. "Specifications for the Generalised Nuclear Database Structure (GNDS)-Version 1.9"

16. "Molten Chloride Reactor Experiment Nuclear Data Uncertainty Analysis and Needs"

17. "Evaluation of effectiveness of equivalent dose during proton boron fusion therapy (PBFT) for brain cancer: A Monte Carlo study"

18. "Photoneutron reactions on 93Nb at Egmax = 33 +/-93 MeV"

19. "Cross sections of 3He-particle induced reactions on 186W"

20. "Lineal Energy of Proton in Silicon by a Microdosimetry Simulation"

21. "Overview of the Mechanical Properties of Tungsten/Steel Brazed Joints for the DEMO Fusion Reactor"

22. "Great achievements of M. Salvatores for nuclear data adjustment study with use of integral experiments"

23. "Neutron activation characterization of the chemical elements in preparation for nuclear reactor decommissioning"

24. "Determination of the asymmetry term strength in the n − A elastic scattering process using a nonlocal optical model"

25. "Measurement of 59Co(n,x) reaction cross sections with the fast neutrons based on the 9Be(p,n) reaction"

26. "Production of Yttrium-86 radioisotope using genetic algorithm and neural network"

27. "Measurement of the 16,17O(n,p)16,17N cross sections for validating the water activation experiment for ITER at the Frascati Neutron generator"

28. "Nucleon scattering analysis with a lane-consistent dispersive optical potential for Hf, W and Ta isotopes"

29. "Recent progress on the development of Li-8 radioactive ion beam based on 100-MeV proton linear accelerator at KOMAC"

30. "Cross sections for neutron-induced reactions from surrogate data: revisiting the Weisskopf-Ewing approximation for (n,n') and (n,2n) reactions"

31. "Excitation Function Measurements of Alpha-Induced Reaction on Natural Copper and Titanium Up To 46 MeV"

32. "Measurement of the Excitation Function of 96Zr (α, x) 99Mo Reaction up to 32 MeV"

33. "JENDL/DEU-2020: deuteron nuclear data library for design studies of accelerator-based neutron sources"

34. "Validation of an optical potential for incident and emitted low-energy alpha a-particles in th A = 60 mass range"

35. "Learning Trends in Reaction Cross-Section Evaluations Using Generative Machine "

36. "Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 66Zn"

37. "ASUSD nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty program package: validation on fusion and fission benchmark experiments"

38. "Measurement of the 160Gd(p,n)160Tb excitation function from 4-18 MeV using stacked-target activation"

39. "Neutron yield measurements for Be, V and Ta targets from 22-42 MeV proton beams"

40. "Production cross-section calculations of 111In via proton and alpha-induced nuclear reactions"

41. "Shutdown dose rates calculations due to light ions induced activation using D1S methodology"

42. "Rapid Separation of Photofissioned Uranium Products via a Single-Pass Multiplexed Chromatographic Fission Product Separation System"

43. "Nuclear data V and V analysis for fusion applications: integral benchmakrs and decay data"

44. "A comparison of oxide decay heat simulations and nuclear data libraries with fusion irradiation experiments"

45. "Experimental validation of nuclear reaction data for inventory simulations on molybdenum"

46. "Advances in Studsvik's system for spent fuel analysis"

47. "Waste Classification Assessment of Nuclear Steels for Fusion Power Applications"

48. "Comparison of waste due to irradiated steels in the ESFR and DEMO"

49. "14 MeV neutron irradiation experiments - gamma spectroscopy analysis and validation automation"

50. "Uncertainty quantification in FRENETIC calculations of ALFRED lead-cooled fast reactor"

51. "Nuclear data for reactor production of 131Ba and 133Ba"

52. "Newly Evaluated Neutron Reaction Data on Chromium Isotopes"

53. "Aqueous harvesting of 88Zr at a radioactive-ion-beam facility for cross-section measurements"

54. "Nuclear-data uncertainty analysis for the start-up physics test of CPR1000 reactor"

55. "Radiosensitizing effect of boron enhances the effectiveness or proton therapy in vitro"

56. "Concept of the bolometry diagnostics design for COMPASS-Upgrade"

57. "Neutron Capture on the s-Process Branching Point 171Tm via Time-of-Flight and Activation"

58. "Derivation of the angular momentum of primary fission fragments from isomeric yield ratio by TALYS using Python"

59. "Measurement of the 230Th(p,2n)229Pa and 230Th(p,3n)228Pa reaction cross sections from 14.1 to 16.9 MeV"

60. "Photneutron reactions 181Ta(g,nx)181Ta at Eg=80-95 MeV"

61. "Neutronics analysis and activation calculation for tungsten used in the DEMO divertor targets: A comparative study between the effects of WCLL and HCPB blanket, different W compositions and chromium"

62. "Cross sections for the (n,p) reaction of selenium isotopes within 10.5 to 19.81 MeV neutron energies"

63. "Gamma-ray spectrum from Cd induced by fast neutrons in indoor experiments"

64. "Estimations of (n, p) Reaction Cross-Sections at 14.5 MeV incident neutron energy by Artificial Neural Networks"

65. " Evaluated data file for neutron irradiation of Ta-181 at energies up to 200 MeV"

66. "Charged Particle Transport Libraries Final Report FY2020 Level-2"

67. "First years neutron-induced cross-section measurements at the CSNS Back-n white neutron source"

68. "Perspectives on nuclear data for advanced reactor design and analysis"

69. "Can iodine be used as a contrast agent for protontherapy range verification? Measurement of the 127I(p,n)127mXe (reaction) cross section in the 4.5-10 MeV energy range"

70. "New insights into microstructure of neutron-irradiated tungsten"

71. "A comparison of CFPD, compartment, and uniform distribution models for radiation dosimetry of radionuclides in the lung"

72. "Low energy proton induced reactions with weakly bound nuclei for application purposes"

73. "Simulation of D-D Neutron Yeild Based on Geant 4"

73. "An approach for performing resolved and unresolved resonance evaluation based on few or none experimental data available: Application to unstable and short-lived isotopes"

74. "Application of VERDI detectors for neutron fluence measurements during the JET 2019 Deuterium-Deuterium campaign"

75. "Uncertainty Quantification and PropagationMethodology for Safety Analysis of Lead-cooled Fast Reactors"

76. "Estimation Pre-Equilibrium Particle and Angular Distribution Spectra for the Neutrons Induce Nuclear Reactions on 90Zr Nuclei by using (FKK) Model"

77. "Excitation functions of proton induced reactions on titanium and copper"

78. "Self-passivating smart tungsten alloys for DEMO: a progress in joining and upscale for a first wall mockup"

79. "Evaluation of production cross-sections for theranostic 67Cu radionuclide via proton-induced nuclear reaction on 68Zn target"

80. "Alpha particle induced reactions on 151Eu: Possibility of production of 152Tb radioisotope for PET imaging"

81. "SINBAD - Radiation shielding benchmark experiments"

82. " The flux weighted cross sections of 179H(g,g')179mHf reactions at 8 and 15 MeV bremsstrahlung end point energies "

83. "Impact of suprathermal ions on neutron yield at Pre-DT phase of ITER operation"

84. "Radioactive background for ProtoDUNE detector"

85. "Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 24 MeV"

86. "Measurement of the 72Ge(n,g) cross section over a wide neutron energy range at the CERN n_TOF facility"

87. "Production of high-energy neutrons by interaction of a deuteron beam with matter"

88. "Comparison of evaluated nuclear data for neutron irradiation damage calculation in fusion spectra"

89. "Nuclear data assimilation, scientific basis and current status"

90. "Strategical Approach for the Neutronics in the European Fusion Programme"

91. "The formation of isomeric pair in the natTi (3He, x) 44m, gSc reactions: Effect of spin cut-off parameter on the isomeric ratio"

92. "A Study on the Measurement of the Relative Nuclear Reaction Cross-Section of the natW(p,xn)176Re Reaction using 100 MeV Proton"

93. "Uncertainty assessment for the displacement damage of a pressurized water reactor vessel"

94. "The competing effects of temperature and neutron irradiation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ITER grade tungsten"

95. "Production cross sections of dysprosium, terbium and gadolinium radioisotopes from the alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural gadolinium up to 50 MeV"

96. "Study of (n, 2n) reaction cross sections for 107Ag within the energy range of 9-22 MeV"

97. "Measurements of effective actinides neutron capture cross sections in a cadmium-filtered epithermal neutron spectrum"

98. "Analysis for the ARIANE GU1 sample: Nuclide inventory and decay heat"

99. "Current development of body-centered cubic high-entropy alloys for nuclear applications"

100. "Study of cross sections for (n,p) reactions on Hf, Ta and W isotopes"

101. "TOPAS Simulations for Estimating Cyclotron-Based Production Yield of Vanadium-48"

102. "Evaluation of nuclear reaction cross section data of proton and deuteron induced reactions on 75As, with particular emphasis on the production of 73Se"

103. "The FISPACT-II User Manual"

104. "Design of the beryllium target of Compact Neutron Source DARIA"

105. "Production of scandium radionuclides for theranostic applications: towards standardization of quality requirements"

106. "Cross-sections for the 27Al(g, x)22Na multichannel reaction with the 28.3 MeVdifference of the reaction thresholds"

107. "Production of innovative radionuclides for therapy or diagnostic: nuclear data measurements and comparisons with the TALYS code"

108. "A new method in the production of Ac-227, Ra-228, Th-228 and U-232 on Thorium target from different perspective for use in Radioisotope Power Systems and Nuclear Batteries"

109. "Quantitative APT analysis of solid transmutants in ferritic-martensitic steels after irradiation in SINQ targets: Experimental validation of neutronic calculations"

110. "Development of a methodology to estimate the statistical SDR uncertainty with R2S-UNED"

111. "Measurement and Modeling of Proton-Induced Reactions on Arsenic from 35 to 200 MeV"

112. "Using first-principles calculations to predict the mechanical properties of transmuting tungsten under first wall fusion power-plant conditions"

113. "Radiation induced hardening of beryllium during low temperature He implantation"

114. "Neutronic experiment and analyses of a hybrid tritium breeding blanket mockup for CFETR"

115. "Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced reactions on natural neodymium"

116. "Multi-group neutron cross section generation capability for FRENDY nuclear data processing code"

117. "Shadow poles in the alternative parametrization of R-matrix theory"

118. "Estimation of gross-structure parameters of giant dipole resonance: 1. A Method"

119. "Cross-sections of Photonuclear reactions on natМо targets at end-point bremsstrahlung energy up to Еgmax = 100 МeV"

120. "Isomeric ratios in neutron capture reaction, induced by thermal, resonant and mixed thermal-resonant neutrons on 114Cd and 116Cd nuclei"

121. "Investigating the excitation functions of the neutron-induced reactions leading to the radioactive products on natural titanium isotopes"

122. "Photoexcitation of 76Ge"

123. "Orientation Features of the 3−−State of the 14C Nucleus at 6.73 MeV in the Reaction 13C(d,pg)14(d,pg)14C"

124. "Production cross section measurements of proton-induced reactions on Nb at energies of 58 to 100 MeV"

125. "Photoneutron cross-sections for the reactions 181Ta(g, xn; x = -8)18-xTa AT g max = -95 MeV"

126. "Monte Carlo simulation of proton- and neutron-induced radiation damage in a tantalum target irradiated by 70 MeV protons"

127. "Empirical Neutron Cross Section Formulae for (n, p) and (n, d) Reactions of He-3 Target "

128. "Laser wakefield electron accelerator: possible use for radioisotope production"

129. "Application of JADE V&V capabilities to the new FENDL v3.2 Beta release"

130. "Radioactive Planet Formation"

131. "The Detection of Slow Neutrons"

132. "A Theoretical and Experimental study of the Theranostic Radionuclide Scandium-47 in Karaj Cyclotron"

133. "Measurement of cross sections for flux monitor reactions using quasi-monoenergetic neutrons"

134. "Extensive study of radiation dose on human body at aviation altitude through Monte Carlo simulation"

135. "Activation cross sections of gamma-emitters produced in deuteron induced reactions on 209Bi up to 50 MeV"

136. "Excitation functions for Rh, Ru and Tc radionuclides obtained by proton irradiation of natRu up to 33.6 MeV"

137. "Evolution of microstructure in neutron irradiated cold rolled tungsten and its correlation with hardness"

138. "Separation of 71, 72As from alpha particle induced gallium oxide target by solid cation and anion exchangers, DOWEX-50 and DOWEX-1"

139. "Determination of lattice physics properties and uncertainties in a solid fuel molten salt cooled assembly using OpenMC"

140. "Presolar grain isotopic ratios as constraints to nuclear and stellar parameters of AGB nucleosynthesis"

141. "Prompt-gamma emission in GEANT4 revisited and confronted with experiment"

142. "Structural and radiological characterization of irradiated RBMK-1500 reactor graphite"

143. "Excitation functions of some deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on Al"

144. "Addressing challenges in nuclear data adjustment techniques using integral experiments based upon uranium solution thermal systems"

145. "Impact of 7Be breakup on 7Li(p,n) Neutron Spectrum"

146. "Isomeric ratio of the 181Ta(g, 3n)178m,gTa reaction products at energy E gmax up to 95 MeV"

147. "Uncertainty Propagation in SINBAD Fusion Benchmarks with Total Monte Carlo and Imprecise Probabilities"

148. ""

149. "An advanced uranium ore grade estimation method based on photofission driven by an e-LINAC"

150. "Neutron capture reaction cross section measurement for iodine nucleus with detailed uncertainty quantification"

151. "Advanced Self-Passivating Alloys for an Application under Extreme Conditions"

152. "First in vivo and phantom imaging of cyclotron produced 133La as a theranostic radionuclide for 225Ac and 135La"

153. "Benchmarking indirect (n,g) reaction rate measurements for s-process nucleosynthesis in the Re/Os region."

154. "An assessment of the high-entropy alloy system VCrMnFeAlx"

155. "Neutronics Calculations to Support the Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library (FENDL)"

156. "Neutron irradiation effects in different tungsten microstructures"

157. "Generalized perturbation techniques for uncertainty quantification in lead-cooled fast reactors"

158. "An uncertainty quantification method relevant to material test reactors"

159. "Evaluation of nuclear reaction cross sections for optimization of production of the non-standard positron emitting radionuclide 90Nb using proton induced reactions on Zr target"

160. "WPEC Subgroup 44 computational Inter-comparison exercise on correlations in nuclear data libraries"

161. "The application of the unfolding technique for determination of photo-nuclear reaction cross-section with an example on the 115115In(g,g')115m In reaction"

162. "Current status of DEMO activated waste studies"

163. "Current Nuclear Data Needs for Applications"

164. "Experimental study of a-particle induced reactions on natural erbium for the production of Auger-emitters 167Tm, 165Er and 169Yb"

165. "Cross section measurement of alpha-particle-induced reactions on natSb"

166. "Measurement of production cross sections of 66,67Ga, 65Zn and 57,58Co from alpha induced reactions of natural copper for energy up to 50 MeV utilizing cyclotron facility at VECC"

167. "Fast-neutron induced reaction cross section measurement of tin with dual monitor foils and covariance analysis"

168. "Yield of long-lived fission product transmutation using proton-, deuteron-, and alpha particle-induced spallation"

169. "Study of Proton Induced Reactions on Molybdenum Using TALYS and EMPIRE"

170. "Neutronic analysis of deuteron-driven spallation target"

171. "Measurement of cross sections of Zr-isotopes with the fast neutrons based on the 9Be(p, n) reaction"

172. "Measurements of natCd(γ, x) reaction cross-sections and isomer ratio of 115m,gCd with the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 50- and 60-MeV"

173. "A novel approach to medical radioisotope production using inverse kinematics"

174. "Radiogenic neutron background in reactor neutrino experiments"

175. "Proton decays from a-unbound states in 22Mg and the 18Ne(a,p0)21Na cross section"

176. "GEANT4 simulations of the neutron beam characteristics for 9Be/7Li targets bombarded by the low energy protons"

177. "Simulation-based methodology to assess the lattice defects creation as energy storing process"

178. "Preparation of the highly dense ceramic–metal fuel particle with fine-grained tungsten layer by chemical vapor deposition for the application in nuclear thermal propulsion"

179. "Reconstruction of high-energy part of gamma-ray spectrum in thermal neutron capture by 113Cd"

180. "Cross Section Measurements of Photonuclear Reaction Pathways towards Promising Medical Radioisotopes"

181. "Activation Analysis and Evaluation of Radionuclide Inventory Decay Heat for EU DEMO Vacuum Vessel Components"

182. "The 59Fe (n,g) 60Fe Cross Section from the Surrogate Ratio Method and Its Effect on the 60Fe Nucleosynthesis"

183. "Measurement of the 232Th(n,f) cross section with quasi-monoenergetic neutron beams in the energy range 2–18 MeV"

184. "Technological exploitation of the JET neutron environment: progress in ITER materials irradiation and nuclear analysis"

185. "Summary of comparative analysis and conclusions from OECD/NEA LWR-UAM benchmark Phase I"

186. "Isomeric ratio of the 181Ta(g,3n)178m,gTa reaction products at energy Egmax up to 95 MeV"

187. "The activation cross section measurements of proton-induced reactions on Li and Ta in the energy region 12.5–34 MeV"

188. "Sensitivity Analysis of H2O Pulsed-Neutron Die-Away Experiments to the H-H2O Thermal Scattering Law"

189. "New empirical formulae for (n, p) reaction cross sections on stable isotopes from Z= 21 to Z= 51 for energies up to 20 MeV"

190. "Application of Kalman filtering technique for evaluation of neutron cross section data of 100Mo (n, 2n)99Mo reaction"

191. "First direct determination of the 93Mo half-life"

192. "Dark Matter Direct Detection of Classical WIMPs"

193. "Measurement of (n,a) and (n,2n) reactions cross section at neutron energy 14.92 p/m 0.02 MeV for potassium and copper with uncertainty propagation"

194. "Measurements of neutron fields in a wide energy range using multi-foil activation analysis"

195. "Evaluation of depth-dose profiles in a water phantom at the BNCT facility at BINP"

196. "Effects of theoretical models on the production cross-section calculations of some non-standard positron emitters"

197. "Scaling of deuterium retention in less than 3 MeV proton damaged Beryllium, Eurofer, and W-5Re in the range of 0.0003 to 6 DPA"

198. "Deuteron-induced reactions on natZr up to 60 MeV"

199. "Depletion calculation of subcritical system with consideration of spontaneous fission reaction"

200. "Activation cross sections of proton-induced reactions on praseodymium up to 30 MeV"

201. "Theoretical cross-sections of deuteron-induced reaction on natural chromium by EMPIRE code for the production of 52Mn, 54Mn, 51Cr and 48V"

202. "G-HyND: a hybrid nuclear data estimator with Gaussian processes"

203. "Response of SOI microdosimeter in fast neutron beams: experiment and Monte Carlo simulations"

204. "Measurement of (n, a) and (n, 2n) reactions cross section at neutron energy 14.9 +/- 0.02 MeV for potassium and copper with uncertainty propagation"

205. "Production of 178Hfm2 and a simple chemical separation method for Hf recovery"

206. "Comparison of FANT results using the ENDF/B-VII.1, JEFF-3.3 and TENDL2017 nuclear data libraries"

207. "Evaluation of Radiocarbon 14C Yield under Conditions of Thunderstorms"

208. "Presolar Grain Isotopic Ratios as Constraints to Nuclear and Stellar Parameters of Asymptotic Giant Branch Star Nucleosynthesis"

209. "Activation cross sections of some neutron-induced reactions in the energy range of 13.82-14.71 MeV"

210. "Determination of the uncertainties associated to the use of different nuclear data libraries in the analysis of extended-range rem-meters"

211. "Test Calculations of a new spent fuel source term calculation code BESNA"

212. "Cross-section measurements for the 58,60,61Ni(n,a)55,57,58Fe reactions at 8.50, 9.50 and 10.50 MeV neutron energies"

213. "Physics of radionuclides production with simulations"

214. "Signatures of muonic activation in the Majorana Demonstrator"

215. "Photo-production of Alpha-emitting Isotopes with Thorium Target"

216. "New Radionuclides for Personalized Medicine"

217. "Validation of the analytical method for investigation of the DECY-13 cyclotron shielding using PHITS"

218. "Nucleon-nucleus velocity-dependent optical model: Revisited"

219. "Excitation function of proton induced reactions on iron in the energy range 85-100 MeV"

221. "Deuteron induced nuclear reactions on Mo up to 10 MeV: experimental investigation and nuclear model calculations"

222. "Impact of Be 7 breakup on the Li 7 (p, n) neutron spectrum"

223. "Fission models revisited: reactions and dynamics"

224. "Charged particle optical potentials proved by first direct measurement of 59Cu (p, alpha) 56Ni reaction"

225. "Observations of He Platelets During He Ion Irradiation in 3C SiC"

226. "Design of Operational Radiation Protection in Compact Proton Therapy Centers (CPTC)"

227. "Design of Operational Radiation Protection in Compact Proton Therapy Centers (CPTC)"

228. "Application of the different deconvolution methods to the neutron spectrum reconstruction from activation measurement"

229. "Benchmarking Monte Carlo Simulations in the context of nuclear disarmament verification via Monte Carlo simulations with GEANT4"

230. "Activation cross-section measurement of fast neutron-induced reactions in Al, Au, Bi, Co, F, Na, and Y"

231. "Verification of the CP2020 Library"

232. "Statistical Hauser-Feshbach model description of (n, a) reaction cross sections for s-process nuclei"

233. "Using Monte Carlo Calculation for Molybdenum-99 Production by Electron Accelerator"

234. "dentification of neutron sources and background levels in the polyethylene room of the China Jinping Underground Laboratory"

235. "Cross sections for formation of Y, Sr and Rb radionuclides induced by proton irradiation of natSr up to 33.6 MeV"

236. "Cross-Section Calculation of (n,p) and (n,2n) Reactions for High Temperature Reactors Construction Materials Tungsten and Rhenium"

237. "Excitation functions for the formation of 90Nb, 91mNb and 92mNb in the natZr(p,x) reactions"

238. "Measurements of Photonuclear Reaction Pathways towards Promising Medical Radioisotopes"

239. "The investigation of the production of Ac-227, Ra-228, Th-228, and U-232 in thorium by particle accelerators for use in radioisotope power systems and nuclear batteries"

240. "Monoenergetic neutrons from the 9Be(p,n)9B reaction induced by 35, 40 and 45-MeV protons"

241. "https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/927/1/012034/pdf"

242. "Pb(p,x)194Hg and 209Bi(p,x)194Hg excitation functions in the energy range 0.04-2.6 GeV"

243. "Product yields for the photofission of 239Pu with bremstrahlung at 17.5 MeV boundary energy"

244. "Optimization of Glucose 11C pharmaceutical prodution on the beam of electron accelerator"

245. "Neutron induced reaction cross section of 51V with covariance analysis"

246. "Impact of H in H2O thermal scattering data on depletion calculation: kinf, nuclide inventory and decay heat"

247. "Integral experiment of 129I(n, g) reaction using fast neutron source in theYAYO reactor"

248. "Effects of some level density models and γ-ray strength functions on production cross-section calculations of 16,18O and 24,26Mg radioisotopes"


1. "In search of the best nuclear data file for proton induced reactions: varying both models and their parameters"

2. "Re-analysis of the 24Mg(a,g)28Si reaction rate at stellar temperatures"

3. "In-core dosimetry for the validation of neutron spectra in the CROCUS reactor"

4. "Indirect determination of neutron-capture cross sections for Sm isotopes"

5. "Analysis of neutron fields generated in spallation targets of B-URAN experimental assembly using Monte Carlo method"

6. "Promising framework of nanocomposite materials: synthesis and radio-lanthanides labeling for nuclear medicine application"

7. "Use of short-lived positron emitters for in-beam and real-time beta+ range monitoring in proton therapy"


9. "Can We Extract Production Cross-Sections from Thick Target Yield Measurements? A Case Study Using Scandium Radioisotopes"

10. "Liquid scintillator for search of double beta decay with Tin"

11. "Conceptual Design of Irradiation Facility with 6 MeV and 7 MeV Gamma Rays at the JSI TRIGA MarkII Research Reactor"

12. "Validation of Neutron Evaluated Data Based on The Experimental Reactivity Worth of Tungsten Target in CiADS"

13. "Deuteron induced reactions on tellurium: An alternative for production of 123I?"

14. "Quantification of trace amounts of transmuted nuclides in transmutation detectors using SIMS"

15. "Taking cyclotron 68Ga production to the next level: Expeditious solid target production of 68Ga for preparation of radiotracers"

16. "A Statistical Analysis of Evaluated Neutron Resonances with TARES for JEFF-3.3, JENDL-4.0, ENDF/B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2019"

17. "A new approach to monitor 13C-targets degradation in situ for 13C(a,n)16O cross-section measurements at LUNA"

18. "Measurements of production cross-sections of medical radioisotopes (57Ni, 55,57,58Co, 54Mn, 51Cr) and other by-products (56Ni, 56Co, 56Mn) from the 59Co(p,x) reactions"

19. "Electromagnetic Data Libraries: recent evolutions and new perspectives"

20. "Theoretical study on production of stable and radioactive isotopes from proton irradiated sodium chloride"

21. "Assessment of neutron kerma coefficients and its calculation methodologies using recent basic ENDF-6 libraries"

22. "Comparative study and TALYS 1.6 code calculations for the excitation functions of P and α-induced reactions on Bi target with special attention to the medical radioisotope 211At"

23. "GEANT4 simulation of a new range verification method using delayed gamma spectroscopy of a 92Mo marker"

24. "Nuclear effects in proton transport and dose calculations"

25. "Uncertainty Propagation for the Design Study of the PETALE Experimental Programme in the CROCUS Reactor"

26. "Nuclear criticality safety analysis for radioactive solid residue formed during fission-based 99Mo production"

27. "Proton range verification with ultrasound imaging using injectable radiation sensitive nanodroplets: a feasibility study"

28. "Residual activation of the SPES Front-End system: a comparative study between the MCNPX and FLUKA codes"

29. "165Er: A new candidate for Auger electron therapy and its possible cyclotron production from natural holmium targets"

30. "Potential for Neutron and Proton Transmutation Doping of GaN and Ga2O3"

31. "Atmospheric activation in the IFMIF-DONES accelerator systems"

32. "Theoretical calculation and evaluation of n + 237,241,243,245Pu reactions"

33. "A sterile neutrino search at compact materials irradiation facility"

34. "Experimental investigation and theoretical evaluation of proton induced nuclear reactions on nickel"

35. "Required, achievable and target TBR for the European DEMO"

36. "Cyclotron-based production of the theranostic radionuclide scandium-47 from titanium target"

37. "From nuclear physics to displacement damage calculation and uncertainty propagation in CONRAD"

38. "Investigation of activation range for self-shielded PET cyclotron"

39. "Production cross sections of 68Ga and radioactive by-products in deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc"

40. "Estimations of Cross-Sections for Photonuclear Reaction on Calcium Isotopes by Artificial Neural Networks"

41. "Qualitative Analysis of Long-Lived Residual Radioisotopes in 18 MeV Proton Bombarded Enriched Water Target"

42. "Response function generation for transmutation of Technetium-99 via high energy proton and neutron interactions in MCNP"

43. "Impact of material migration and radiation damage on the reflectivity of molybdenum mirrors: laboratory test for DEMO"

44. "Comparison of measured 14C, 55Fe and 63Ni and calculated values"

45. "Production of Quasi-Stellar Neutron Field at Explosive Stellar Temperatures"

46. "Criticality benchmarking of ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 neutron data libraries with RMC code"

47. "A new approach to monitor 13C-targets degradation in situ for 13C(a,n)16O cross-section measurements at LUNA"

48. "Deconvolution of neutron spectrum for a DT neutron generator based on a combination of activation method, unfolding processes and numerical simulations"

49. "New evaluation on angular distributions and energy spectra for neutron-induced charged-particle measurements"

50. "Verification of SCALE modules against CMS5/SNF sequence for depletion and decay calculations of BWR fuel assemblies"

51. "Cross section measurements for proton induced reactions on natural La"

52. "Excitation function calculations in proton-induced nuclear reactions on Zn and Cu upto 80 MeV"

53. "Production cross sections of thulium radioisotopes for alpha-particle induced reactions on holmium"

54. "Energy and target material dependence of the neutron yield induced by proton and deuteron bombardment"

55. "Excitation functions of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on erbium in the energy range of 4-24 MeV"

56. "Spallation of r-Process Nuclei Ejected from a Neutron Star Merger"

57. "Is the proton boron fusion therapy effective?"

58. "Measurement of natNi(g, xn)57,56Ni and natNig, pxn)58-55Co reaction cross sections in bremsstrahlung with end-point energies of 65 and 75 MeV"

59. "Determination of Photonuclear Reaction Cross-Sections on stable p-shell Nuclei by Using Deep Neural Networks"

60. "SaG4n: Calculation of (α,n) yields for low background experiments using Geant4"

61. "Perspectives on nuclear data for advanced reactor design and analysis"

62. "Iterative Bayesian Monte Carlo for nuclear data evaluation"

63. "Enhancement of Radiation Effectiveness in Proton Therapy: Comparison Between Fusion and Fission Methods and Further Approaches"

64. "Proton-induced current transient in SiGe HBT and charge collection model based on Monte Carlo simulation"

65. "Enhancement of Radiation Effectiveness in Proton Therapy: Comparison Between Fusion and Fission Methods and Further Approaches"

66. "High-power electron accelerator for the production of neutrons and radioisotopes"

67. "Integrated cross sections of the photo-neutron reactions induced on 197Au with 60 MeV Bremsstrahlung"

68. "Production cross sections of 169Yb by the proton-induced reaction on 169Tm"

69. "Microstructural examination of neutron, proton and self-ion irradiation damage in a model Fe9Cr alloy"

70. "Investigation of the Reaction Cross-Section for Production the Radioactive Isotopes Used in Fabricating The Nuclear Batteries"

71. "Activation cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on yttrium-89 for zirconium-89 production"

72. "Radioarsenic: A promising theragnostic candidate for nuclear medicine"

73. "Nuclear assessment of the IFMIF-DONES lithium target system"

74. "Exploitation of surrogate reaction method for deriving proton induced fission cross sections of short lived actinides"

75. "Systems and methods for separating isotopes from a sample of fission products"

76. "Cross Section Measurements of (n, p) Reactions on Ge Isotopes"

77. "Neutron induced transmutations in tungsten for fusion energy applications: Preliminary results"

78. "Entrance channel effects on the alpha decay probabilities of neutron and proton induced reactions for target mass A=55"

79. "Study of (g, p) reaction cross-section calculations of 52Cr, 54Fe, 60Ni and 64Zn isotopes"

80. "Exploring laser-driven neutron sources for neutron capture cascades and the production of neutron-rich isotopes"

81. "Resonance parameter adjustment in the resolved region based upon an Asymptotic Generalized Linear Least-Squares methodology in conjunction with the Monte Carlo method"

82. "Research Activities of Nuclear Data Research Group in 2018"

83. "Calculated Radioactivity Yields of Gallium-67 using Matlab Codes"

84. "Shut-Down Dose Rate Distribution Calculation in the Access Cell With Activated HFTM in the IFMIF-DONES Facility"

85. "Production of Polonium-208, 209 and 210 for use in nuclear battery via particle accelerator"

86. "Development and verification of heat production and radiation damage energy production cross section module in the nuclear data processing code NECP-Atlas"

87. "Neutron production in (a, n) reactions"

88. "Investigation of the deuteron induced nuclear reaction cross sections on lutetium up to 50 MeV: review of production routes for and 172Hf via charged particle activation"

89. "Intensities of the gamma-ray emissions following the 111Sn decay determined via photonuclear reaction yield measurements"

90. "Covariance/ Sensitivity/ Uncertainty/ Validation and its Impact on Application"

91. "Productions of high energy neutrons by interactions between deuteron beam and thick target"

92. "Production of the 103Pd via Cyclotron and Preparation of the Brachytherapy Seed"

93. "Evaluation of The NSUF Reactor Activation and Damage (RAD) Calculator: Determining the Accuracy of the Activation Calculator"

94. "Cross section measurements of charged-particle induced reactions to produce medical radionuclide 169Yb"

95. "Development of an Experimentally Validated MCNP6 Model for 11C Production via the 14N(p,a) Reaction Using a GE PETtrace Cyclotron"

96. "Measurement and covariance analysis of 100Mo (n, 2n) 99Mo and 96Mo (n, p) 96Nb reaction cross sections at the incident neutron energy of 14.54 MeV"

97. "Tungsten-chromium-yttrium alloys as first wall armor material: Yttrium concentration, oxygen content and transmutation elements"

98. "Consistent analysis of deuteron interactions at low and medium energies"

99. "Neutron-induced activation cross-sections for fusion technology applications"

100. "Study on cosmogenic radioactive production in germanium as a background for future rare event search experiments"

101. "Recent progress in the design of the K-DEMO divertor"

102. "Revised cross-sections for formation of theranostic 197m,gHg in proton- and deuteron-induced reactions on 197Au"

103. "Upgrade of IAEA recommended data of selected nuclear reactions for production of PET and SPECT isotopes"

104. "Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 54Fe"

105. "Generation and initial validation of a new CASMO5 ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data Library"

106. "Simulation, design optimization, and experimental validation of a silver SPND for neutron flux mapping in the Tehran MTR"

107. "Proton Induced Reactions on Natural Se and Ag Targets for Producing 76, 77, 82Br and 107Cd Radioisotopes Using Low Energy Cyclotron"

108. "Estimating fission fragment angular momentum using TALYS"

109. "Excitation functions of (n,p) and (n,2n) reactions of tantalum, rhenium, and iridium in the neutron energy range up to 20 MeV"

110. "nvestigation of the deuteron induced nuclear reaction cross sections on lutetium up to 50 MeV: review of production routes for 177Lu, 175Hf and 172Hf via charged particle activation"

111. "The Production of Neutron-Rich Isotopes by Laser-Driven Neutron Sources"

112. "The effect of neutron radiation on the yield stress of the Bushehr reactor clad"

113. "Computational evaluation of N-16 measurements for a 14 MeV neutron irradiation of an ITER first wall component with water circuit"

114. "Analysis of water activation in fusion and fission nuclear facilities"

115. "Sensitivity and uncertainty analyses of fission product nuclide inventories for passive gamma spectroscopy"

116. "Measurement of (n,g), (n,p), and (n,2n) reaction cross sections for sodium, potassium, copper, and iodine at neutron energy 14.92 p/m 0.02 MeV with covariance analysis"

117. "Level density model effects on the production cross-section calculations of some medical isotopes via (a, xn) reactions where x = 1-3"

118. "Measurement of yield ratios for the isomeric pair 137m,gCe in the 141Pr(g,x)137m,gCe reactions with bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 50-, 60-, and 70-MeV"

119. "Experimental studies of the nuclear-physical characteristics of the extended uranium target irradiated by relativistic protons, deutrons and 12C nuclei"

120. "Cross sections of alpha-particle induced reactions on natNi: Production of 67Cu"

121. "Measurement of the 160Gd(p,n)160Tb excitation function from 4 18 MeV, using a stacked foil technique"

122. " Status and benchmarking of the deuteron induced Tritium and Beryllium-7 production cross sections in Lithium"

123. "The shielding design concept for the ISODAR neutrino target"

124. "Photo-excitation production of medically interesting isomers using high-intensity γ-ray source"

125. "Status of the 24Mg(a,g)28Si reaction rate at stellar temperatures"

126. "Neutron fluence distribution in experiments with 3 MA deuterium gas-puff z-pinch"

127. "Excitation functions of 58Ni(n, charged particle) from threshold to 20 MeV using NLD models"

128. "The NUIT code for nuclide inventory calculations"

129. "Evaluations of Gamma Induced 50,52,53,54Cr Reactions"

130. ""eminary analysis of cross section measurement of proton-induced reactions on natural niobium

131. "New validation of Si cross section using Silica sand"

132. "Measurement of 100Mo (n, 2n) 99Mo reaction cross section and covariance analysis using extended unscented transformation technique at the incident neutron energy of 13.9 MeV"

133. "Measurement and analysis of photonuclear reactions on thick target samples of biological importance"

134. "Cross-section measurements for the 58,60,61Ni(n,a)55,57,58Fe reactions in the 4.5- 5.50 MeV neutron energy region"

135. "Key Nuclear Data Impacting Reactivity in Advanced Reactors"

136. "Measurement of very high threshold reactions using 252Cf source"

137. "Neutron yields of Be-9(p,xn) reactions and beam characterization for accelerator-based boron neutron capture therapy facility using MCNP6, PHITS, and GEANT4 simulation results"

138. "Experimental validation of inventory simulations on molybdenum and its isotopes for fusion applications"

139. "The RTS&T Code Coupled with the Microscopic Kinetic Model for Biological Calculations in Multi-Ion Therapy"

140. "Nuclear model calculations on the production of auger electron emitter 111In: As a theranostic radionuclide"

141. "Excitation functions and thick target yields of the natZr(p,x)95Zr nat Zr(p,x)95Zr, 95mNb, 95mNb, 95gNb, 95gNb reactions"

142. "Measurement and covariance analysis of 140Ce(n,2n)139Ce and 142Ce(n,2n)141Ce reactions with the neutron energy of 13.5 MeV"

143. "Best-Estimate Plus Uncertainty Framework for Multiscale, Multiphysics Light Water Reactor Core Analysis"

144. "Design of a PLD-grown Y2O3 protective barrier for fusion relevant applications"

145. "Generation of low-energy neutrons cross-sections for the Monte Carlo code FLUKA and the deterministic code ActiWiz"

146. "Estimation of neutron production yields from H2 18O as the 18F-production target bombarded by 18-MeV protons"

147. "Code and Data Enhancements of the MURE C++ Environment for Monte-Carlo Simulation and Depletion"

148. "The cross-sections for the 187Re(n,p)187W and 185Re(n,3n)183Re reactions in the energy range between 13.08 MeV and 19.50 MeV"

149. "Cross section of the 96Zr(a,n)99Mo reaction induced by α-particles beams on natZr targets"

150. "On the production of 52gMn by deuteron irradiation on natural chromium and its radionuclidic purity"

151. "Neutron capture cross section of Mn 53 from irradiation with cold and reactor neutrons"

152. "Side-reaction products identified for photo-nuclear production of 99 Mo"

153. "Validation of Pin-Resolved Reaction Rates, Kinetics Parameters, and Linear Source MOC in MPACT"

154. "Calculations of astrophysical reaction rates using ENDF/B-VIII.0 library"

155. "Measurement of 186Re, 188Re, 189Re Yield on 186W Target Irradiation by 4He, 3He, 1H, and 2H"

156. "Supernova Neutrino Burst Detection with the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment"

157. "An atom probe tomography and inventory calculation examination of second phase precipitates in neutron irradiated single crystal tungsten"

158. "Methodology for high-fidelity deterministic modelling of Swiss LWR fuel assemblies"

159. "The total reaction cross section of heavy-ion reactions induced by stable and unstable exotic beams: The low-energy regime"

160. "Detection of Neutrons Emitted From Reactor Primary Circuit Water by Discontinuing Flow Method"

161. "New cross-section data for proton-induced reactions on natTi and natCu with special regard to the beam monitoring"

162. "Conception and software implementation of a nuclear data evaluation pipeline"

163. "Intermediate energy proton irradiation: rapid, high-fidelity materials testing for fusion and fission energy systems"

164. "Alternate Solution of the alpha-Potential Mystery"

165. "Measurements of natP b(p, xn)201-207Bi, 204P b(p, 1-4n)201-204Bi and 206Pb(p,3n)204Bi cross-sections atastrophysical energies(Ep less 30MeV)"

166. "Deposition of Tungsten - Tantalum composite coating on RAFM steel by sputtering deposition process"

167. "208,207,206,natPb(p,x) 207Bi and 209Bi (p,x)207Bi excitation functions in the energy range of 0.04 - 2.6 GeV"

168. "Cyclotron production of no carrier added 186gRe radionuclide for theranostic applications"

169. "Excitation functions and thick target yields of the natZr(p,x)95Zr , 95mNb , 95gNb reactions"

170. "In vivo proton range verification with ultrasound imaging using injectable radiation sensitive nanodroplets: a feasibility study"

171. "Activation analysis of the European DEMO divertor with respect to the different breeding blanket segmentation"

172. "Measurement of flux-weighted average cross sections of natIn(g,xn)natIn(g,xn) reactions and isomeric yield ratios of 112mg,111m,g,110m,g112mg,111m,g,110m,gIn with bremsstrahlung"

173. "Characterization of a plutonium-beryllium neutron source"

174. "Theoretical calculation and evaluation of neutron induced reactions on Pu isotopes"

175. "Study of the Li(d, xn) reaction for the development of accelerator-based neutron sources"

176. "The use of the ENDF library for nucleosynthesis studies"

177. "The activation of natZr by quasi-monoenergetic neutrons below 34 MeV."

178. "Validation of new CMS5-VVER nuclear data library using critical experiments and X2 full-core benchmark"

179. "Neutron Capture on the s-Process Branching Point 171Tm via Time-of-Flight and Activation"

180. "Uncertainty Analysis Procedures for Neutron-Induced Cross Section Measurements and Evaluations"

181. "Uncertainty quantification in multi-physics calculations of ALFRED Lead Fast Reactor"

182. "Safety Evaluation of a Long-Lived Tumour-Specific Gadolinium (Gd)- Based Imaging Agent in Proton Therapy"

183. "Measurement of thick target neutron yield at 180 degree for a mercury target induced by 3-GeV protons"

184. "High-speed generation of neutronics-ready CAD models for DEMO design"

185. "Investigation of activation cross-sections of deuteron induced reactions on ruthenium up to 50 MeV"

186. "Extension and benchmarking of the OpenMC code for accelerator-based neutron source applications"

187. "Photo-neutron cross-section of natDy in the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 12, 14, 16, 65, and 75 MeV

188. "Neutron capture measurement at the n TOF facility of the 204Tl and 205Tl s-process branching points"

189. "Windowed multipole representation of R-matrix cross sections"

190. "Modernization of the DCHAIN-PHITS activation code with new features and updated data libraries"

191. "New experimental data on excitation functions of 3He-induced nuclear reactions on Ta up to 27 MeV"

192. "Scattering matrix pole expansions for complex wavenumbers in R-matrix theory"

193. "Investigating High-Energy Proton-Induced Reactions on Spherical Nuclei: Implications for the Pre-Equilibrium Exciton Model"

194. "Design and testing of a W-MoO3 target system for electron linac production of 99Mo/99mTc"

195. "Nuclear reactions that occurs in the human body during proton therapy"

196. "Nuclear Data Uncertainty Propagation in Complex Fusion Geometries"

197. "Production cross sections of 157Dy in alpha-particle-induced reactions on natural gadolinium"

198. "Production cross sections of dysprosium-159 radioisotope from the deuteron-induced reactions on terbium-159 up to 24 MeV"

199. "Production cross sections of 45Ti via deuteron-induced reaction on 45Sc"

200. "Neutronic analyses of Upper port ECRH antenna system for CFETR"

201. "Activation-cross-section measurement of alpha-induced reactions onnatural dysprosium"

202. "Waste expectations of fusion steels under current waste repository criteria"

203. "Production cross sections of 68Ga via deuteron-induced reactions on natural zinc"

204. "Pairing of thorium with selected primary target materials in tandem configurations: Co-production of 225Ac/213Bi and 230U/226Th generators with a 70 MeV Hminus cyclotron"

205. "Measurement of excitation functions for 165Ho(a, xn)16-168Tm reactions"

206. "A Study on Activation Characteristics Generated by 9 MeV Electron Linear Accelerator for Container Security Inspection"

207. "Subtraction Method for an Effective Quasi-monoenergetic Neutron Beam by Using Continuous Energy Spectra"

208. "Pre-Equilibrium Differential and Double Differential Cross Sections of Neutrons Induce Nuclear Reactions in 64Zn Nucleus"

209. "Single pencil beam benchmark of a module for Monte Carlo simulation of proton transport in the PENELOPE code"

210. "Measurements of proton capture in the A= 100-110 mass region: Constraints on the In 111 (g, p)/g, n) branching point relevant to thg process"

211. "Photo-excitation production of medically interesting isomers using intense g-ray source"

212. "Estimation and verification of 131I yield from fission and irradiation of tellurium"

213. "Validation of nuclear reaction models for incident α-particles"

214. "Measurement of activation products in chloride salts irradiated by spallation neutrons"

215. "Interaction of Particle Beams and Matter"

216. "Secondary Particle Generation with Accelerators"

217. "Energy Production and Storage"

218. "Technical Applications"

219. "Overview of Evaluated Nuclear Data and Processing"

220. "TRIPOLI-4 simulation of the FNG copper benchmark experiment and the tritium production in the lithium diamond detector for ITER-TBM"

221. "New experimental data on excitation functions of 3He-induced nuclear reactions on Ta up to 27 MeV"

222. "Determination of Solar System R-Process Abundances using ENDF/B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2015 libraries"

223. "Nuclear Data Evaluation"

224. "Measurements of secondary-particle emissions from copper target bombarded with 24-GeV/c protons"


1. "Optimization Studies on an Accelerator-Driven Neutron Source"

2. "Physical and Technical Principles"

3. "Measurement of the 43Sc production cross-section with a deuteron beam"

4. "The surprisingly large neutron capture cross-section of 88Zr"

5. "Application of FLUKA and OpenMC in coupled physics calculation of target and subcritical reactor for ADS"

6. "WCLL Blanket Module Structure Variation Influence on Neutron Activation Inventories"

7. "Activation cross sections of deuteron induced reactions on natHf in the 12-50 MeV energy range"

8. "Minutes of the 2018 Cross Section Evaluation Working Group Annual Meeting"

9. "Cross sections for formation of 139mCe radioisotope through the 140Ce (n, 2 n) reaction over 13.73 MeV to 14.77 MeV neutrons"

10. "New Cross-Sections for natMo(a,x) Reactions and Medical 97Ru Production Estimations with Radionuclide Yield Calculator"

11. "TENDL: Complete Nuclear Data Library for Innovative Nuclear Science and Technology"

12. "Recommended Nuclear Data for the Production of Selected Therapeutic Radionuclides"

13. "Evaluated data files for neutron irradiation of 182 W and 186 W at energies up to 200 MeV"

14. "Measurement of 73Ge(n,g) cross sections and implications for stellar nucleosynthesis"

15. "Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainty in the Modeling of Neutron-Induced Recoil Atom Energy Distributions in Silicon"

16. "Neutron-Induced Activation Cross Sections Measurements on Molybdenum Isotopes in the 7-15 MeV Energy Range"

17. "Simulation study of alpha-neutron reactions from AmBe directional source using MCNP 6.1.1 with TENDL 2012, 2014, and 2017 libraries"

18. "Evaluation of the nuclear excitation functions of fast neutron-induced reactions on 52Cr and 56Fe isotopes"

19. "Neutronics of the IFMIF-DONES irradiation facility"

20. "The Feasibility of Proton Boron Capture Therapy"

21. "Extension of experimental activation cross-sections database of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on manganese up to 50 MeV"

22. "On the physics beyond the a-particle optical potential parameters"

23. "Manganese-52 production cross-section measurements via irradiation of natural chromium targets up to 20 MeV"

24. "Investigation of activation range for self-shielded PET cyclotron"

25. "Determination of the scattering cross section of calcium using the VESUVIO spectrometer"

26. "Cross-section calculations of (n, 2n) and (n, p) reactions dor 69,71Ga and 75As Target nuclei up to 20 MeV"

27. "Source term calculation and validation for 18F-production with a cyclotron for medical applications at HZDR"

28. "10 We Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic (RTPV) Power Source Demonstration"

29. "Physical mechanisms of proton-induced Single-Event Upset in integrated memory devices"

30. "Monte Carlo Simulations of Bowing Effects Using Realistic Fuel Data in Nuclear Fuel Assemblies"

31. "Excitation functions of helion-induced nuclear reactions on natural titanium up to 55 MeV"

32. "A new study on pre-equilibrium and equilibrium effects of excitation functions of alpha-induced reactions on 51V, 55Mn and 59Co nuclei"

33. "Measurements of 59Co(d,p)60m,gCo,51V(d,p)52V, and natV(d,xn)51Cr cross sections in the 2.7-5.4 MeV energy range"

34. "In-vessel calibration of JET neutron detectors: Comparison of methods of neutron emission rate determination"

35. "A Pairwise Nuclear Fusion Algorithm for Weighted Particle-in-Cell Plasma Simulations"

36. "Radiation Chemical Yield of Hydroxyl Radicals for Accelerator-based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: Dose Assessment of 10B(n,a)7Li Reaction Using Coumarin-3-Carboxilic Solution"

37. "Nuclear Data Libraries"

38. "Neutron-Induced Transmutation"

39. "An estimation of neutron-induced production of gases with propagation of uncertainties in nuclear data for structural materials of fission and fusion reactors"

40. "Reactions along the astrophysical s-process path and prospects for neutron radiotherapy with the Liquid-Lithium Target (LiLiT) at the Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility (SARAF)"

41. "Suprathermal nuclear effects in the solar core: overall view"

42. "Silicon equivalent gas in silicon equivalent proportional counter - Monte Carlo simulations"

43. "Role of consistent parameter sets in an assessment of the alpha-particle optical potential below the Coulomb barrier"

44. "Comparison of proton interaction physics models and cross section libraries for proton therapy Monte Carlo simulations by MCNP6.2 code"

45. "Measurement of cross sections for proton-induced reactions on natural Zn"

46. "Activation cross sections of alpha-particle induced nuclear reactions on natural palladium"

47. "Investigation of production of samarium-151 and europium-152,154,155 via particle accelerator"

48. "Influence of enriched 100Mo on Mo reaction yields"

49. "Simultaneous measurement of the neutron- and proton-induced fissions by activation detectors"

50. "CalcuYield: A Novel Android-Based Software for Radioactivity Yield Calculations"

51. "Comparison of gallium-68 production yields from (p, 2n),(α, 2n) and (p, n) nuclear reactions applicable for cancer diagnosis"

52. "Measurement of cross sections for the formation of 100gRh in natPd(p,x)100m,gRh reactions up to 42.61 MeV"

53. "On the dose fields due to activated cooling water in nuclear facilities"

54. "TENDL-2017 benchmark test with iron shielding experiment at QST/TIARA"

55. "Exploratory study for the production of Sc beams at the ISOL facility of MYRRHA preliminary thermal investigations"

56. "Neutron spectrum unfolding for the development of a novel neutron detector for fusion"

57. "Molten Salt Reactor Xenon Analysis: Review and Decomposition"

58. "Benchmarking of evaluated nuclear data for iron by a TOF experiment with slab samples"

59. "Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural ytterbium up to 50 MeV"

60. "Total Monte Carlo acceleration for the PETALE experimental programme in the CROCUS reactor"

61. "An Experimental Programme optimized with Uncertainty Propagation: PETALE in the CROCUS Reactor"

62. "Neutron inelastic scattering of 232Th: measurements and beyond"

63. "Impact of delayed neutron constants on reactivity effects measured in a fast reactor"

64. "Experimental decay-heat simulation-benchmark for 14 MeV neutrons & complex inventory analysis with FISPACT-II"

65. "Production of a 15C radioactive ion beam based on 18O(n,a)"

66. "Neutron production induced by alpha-decay with Geant4"

67. "Evaluation of neutron radiation damage in zircaloy fuel clad of nuclear power plants: a study based on PKA and dpa calculations"

68. "Paleo-Detectors for Galactic Supernova Neutrinos"

69. "Neutronic analyses of the FREYA experiments in support of the ALFRED LFR core design and licensing"

70. "The development of the FEBIAD ion source for BRISOL"

71. "Characterization of a Cs LiYCl :Ce scintillator coupled with two silicon photomultiplier arrays of different Sizes"

72. "Experimental and theoretical cross section data of deuteron induced nuclear reactions on platinum"

73. "Presolar Silicon Carbide Grains of Types Y and Z: Their Molybdenum Isotopic Compositions and Stellar Origins"

74. "Cross sections for a new nuclear reaction channel on 197Au with a bound dineutron in the outgoing channel"

75. "Bremsstrahlung of electrons and yield of neutrons from thick converters, passing of gamma-radiation and neutrons through biological shielding"

76. "Investigations of proton and deuteron induced nuclear reactions on natural and enriched Titanium, Calcium and Vanadium targets, with special reference to the production of 47Sc"

77. "Measurement of 139La(p,x) Cross Sections from 35-60 MeV by Stacked-Target Activation"

78. "Accelerator mass spectrometry measurement of the reaction 35Cl(n,g)36Cl at keV energies"

79. "Our Future Nuclear Data Needs"

80. "Neutron-induced damage simulations: Beyond defect production cross-section, displacement per atom and iron-based metrics"

81. "The methodology of characterization of neutron leakage field from PET production cyclotron for experimental purposes"

82. "210Po production in the European DEMO fusion reactor"

83. "Neutron energy spectrum measurement of the Back-n white neutron source at CSNS"

84. " Evaluated data files for n+ 180W and 183W irradiation at incident neutron energies up to 200 MeV"

85. "Excitation function measurement for zirconium-89 and niobium-90 production using alpha-induced reactions on yttrium-89"

86. "New excitation functions measurement of nuclear reactions induced by deuteron beams on yttrium with particular reference to the production of 89Zr"

87. "Cosmogenic production of 39Ar and 37Ar in argon"

88. "Study on cross section calculations for (n,p) nuclear reactions of cadmium isotopes"

89. "Measurement of activation cross sections of deuteron induced reactions on natIr in the 17-50 MeV energy range"

90. "Cyclotron Production of 99Mo Radionuclide by Bombarding Zirconium Targets with Alpha Particle Beams"

91. "Measurement of neutron induced 86Sr(n, 2n)85Sr reaction cross sections at different neutron energies"

92. "Assessment of Stellar Nucleosynthesis Abundances Using ENDF/B-VIII.0 and TENDL-2015 Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries"

93. "Production cross sections of ytterbium and thulium radioisotopes in alpha-induced nuclear reactions on natural erbium"

94. "Measurement of cross-sections of proton-induced nuclear reactions on 197Au focused on the production of the theranostic pair 197m,gHg"

95. "Measurement and covariance analysis of 232Th(n,2n)231Th reaction cross section"

96. "A Sterile Neutrino Search Experiment at the Compact Materials Irradiation Facility in China"

97. "Reprocessing of Irradiated [18O]H2O under the Conditions of a PET Center"

98. "Calculation of the Equivalent Dose of the First and the Most Important Secondary Particles in Brain Proton Therapy by Monte Carlo Simulation"

99. "Reactor simulations with nuclear data uncertainties"

100. "Activation cross sections of alpha particle-induced reactions on natural hafnium up to 50-MeV"

101. "Electromagnetic Interactions of Nuclei at the FCC-hh Collider"

102. "Development of the Photonuclear Method for Detection of Hidden (N; C) Concentrations with Registration of Induced (12N; 12B) Activities"

103. "Characterization of the neutron flux during production of 18F at a medical cyclotron and evaluation of the incidental neutron spectrum for neutron damage studies"

104. "Yield ratio of neutrons to protons in 12C(d,n)13N and 12C(d,p)13C from 0.6 MeV to 3 MeV"

105. "IRDFF-II: A New Neutron Metrology Library"

106. "Effects of neutron irradiation on the brittle to ductile transition in single crystal tungsten"

107. "A procedure for verification of Studsvik's spent nuclear fuel code SNF"

108. "Development of CASMO5 for VVER-1000/1200 analysis and preliminary validation using critical experiments"

109. "Determination of the activity inventory and associated uncertainty quantification for the CROCUS zero power research reactor"

110. "Prediction of the cross-sections of isotopes produced in deuteron-induced spallation of long-lived fission products"

111. "Shielding Design for the ISODAR Neutrino Experiment"

112. "Requirements and sensitivity analysis for temporally- and spatially-resolved thermometry using neutron resonance spectroscopy"

113. "Activation cross sections of dysprosium-157,159 and terbium-160 radioisotopes from the deuteron-induced reactions on terbium-159 up to 24-MeV"

114. "Measurement of deuteron-induced nuclear reactions cross-sections on 197Au and on natCu focused on the theranostic 197m,gHg"

115. "Correlation nu-sigma for U-Pu in the thermal and resonance neutron range via integral information"

116. "Isotope production in proton-, deuteron-, and carbon-induced reactions on 93Nb at 113 MeV/nucleon"

117. "Thermal neutron field characteristics in the neutron exposure accelerator system for biological effect experiments (NASBEE) facility"

118. "Sandblasting the r-Process: Spallation of Ejecta from Neutron Star Mergers"

119. "Isotope production in proton-, deuteron-, and carbon-induced reactions on 93Nb at 113 MeV/nucleon"

120. "Study on (n,p) reactions of 58,60,61,62,64Ni using new developed empirical formulas"

121. "Isomeric yield ratio of 196m, gAu in the 197Au(n, 2n) reaction with fast neutron based on the 9Be(p, n) reaction"

122. "Measurements and FLUKA simulations of aluminium, bismuth and indium activation by stray radiation from the annihilation of low energy antiprotons"

123. "Displacement damage study in tungsten and iron for fusion neutron irradiation"

124. "Proton-induced reactions on Fe, Cu, and Ti from threshold to 55 MeV"

125. "Integration of Safety in IFMIF-DONES Design"

126. "SINBAD database: ongoing activities"

127. "Production of innovative radionuclides for therapy or diagnostic: nuclear data measurements and comparisons with the TALYS code"

128. "Cross sections of the 144Sm(n,a)141Nd reaction at 5.5 and 6.5 MеV"

129. "Production of no-carrier-added barium tracer of 135mBa"

130. "Activation of samples in the secondary neutron flux generated with a 66 MeV proton beam on a radionuclide production target"

131. "Excitation functions of the Zn(p,xn)Ga reaction"

132. "Study of the Deposited Energy Spectra in Silicon by High Energy Neutron and Mixed Fields"

133. "Analysis of radionuclide production in cyclotrons for application in positron emission tomography (PET)"

134. "Interpretation of the ASPIS Iron 88 programme with TRIPOLI-4 and quantification of uncertainties due to nuclear data"

136. "Cross-section measurements of alpha-induced reactions on natEr for 169Yb production"

137. "Cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on 89Y to produce 89Zr"

138. "Production cross sections of 177gLu in alpha-induced reactions on natY"

139. "Integral adjustment of nuclear data libraries Finding unrecognized systematic uncertainties and correlations"

140. "Excitation functions of the 165Ho(3He,xn)166,165,163Tm and natTi(3He,x)48V,48Cr reactions"

141. "Study of transmutation, gas production, and displacement damage in chromium for fusion neutron spectrum"

142. "Measurement of the 13C(n,g) thermal cross section via neutro irradiation and AMS"

143. "Cross section measurement to produce 99Mo through alpha-induced reactions on natural Zr"

144. "Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural tungsten for 186Re and 188Re production"

145. "Activation cross sections of alpha particle induced reactions on natural nickel up to 50 MeV"

146. "New cross section data for production of zirconium-89 by alpha-induced reaction on yttrium target"

147. "Large-scale production of lutetium-177m for the 177mLu/177Lu radionuclide generator"

148. "Determination of 14C, 55Fe, 63Ni and gamma emitters in activated RPV steel samples: a comparison between calculations and experimental analysis"

149. "Measurement of Leakage Neutron Spectra from 238U Slabs with D-T Neutrons and Validation of Nuclear Evaluation Data Libraries"

150. "Benchmarking FLUKA, PHITS, MCNPX, and MARS15 codes with product yields of 209Bi(p, x) reactions"

151. "Yield ratio of neutrons to protons in 12C(d,n)13N and 12C(d,p)13C from 0.6 to 3 MeV"

152. "CArbon-14 Source Term CAST"

153. "An investigation of the effects of level density models and alpha optical model potentials on the cross-section calculations for the production of the radionuclides 62Cu, 67Ga, 86Y and 89Zr via some alpha induced reactions"


155. "Neutronic Analyses of the FREYA Experiments in Support of the ALFRED Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Design and Licensing"

156. "Proton-and deuteron-induced reactions on 107Pd and 93Zr at 20-30 MeV/nucleon"

157. "Tools for validation and uncertainty quantification with ANSWERS software"

158. "Recent progress in nuclear data measurement for ADS"

159. "Nucleus Capture by Macroscopic Dark Matter"

160. "Nuclear Data Requirements, Challenges and need for New Experimental Measurements"

161. "Neutron-induced damage simulations: Beyond defect production cross-section, displacement per atom and iron-based metrics"

162. "Measurement of 63,65Cu(n,g)64,66Cu and 5Cu(n,g)60Co Maxwellian-averaged neutron-capture cross sections"

163. "Production of 149Tb, 152Tb, 155Tb and 161Tb from gadolinium using different light-particle beams"

164. "Investigation of nuclear emulsions in terms of neutron dosimetry"

165. "Integral measurement of spectrum-averaged cross sections of a few threshold reactions induced by fast neutrons of a TRIGA reactor: comparison with integrated data from excitation functions given in various data libraries"

166. "Measurement of activation cross-sections of natDy (p, x) reactions up to 45 MeV"

167. "Medical Radionuclide Production: Science and Technology"


1. "Measurements of the 169Tm(n,2n)168Tm cross section from threshold to 15 MeV"

2. "The Study of 99mTc Production Using Medical Cyclotrons in Ukraine"

3. "A Simple Way to Correlate and Predict Neutron Capture Cross Sections Relevant to Astrophysics and to Nuclear Science Applications"

4. "Neutron induced reaction cross-section calculations and GEANT4 simulation for the fusion reactor material SiO2"

5. "The LIPAc beam dump"

6. "The Julich high brilliance neutron source project – Improving access to neutrons"

7. "Excitation functions of 3He-particle-induced nuclear reactions on 103Rh: Experimental and theoretical investigations"

8. "Study of activation cross sections of deuteron induced reactions on erbium in the 32–50 MeV energy range"

9. "Measurement of isomeric yield ratios of 86m,gY and 87m,gY in the quasi-monoenergetic neutron induced reactions of 89Y"

10. "A Photofission Delayed γ-ray Spectra Calculation Tool for the Conception of a Nuclear Material Characterization Facility"

11. "Studies of charged-particle-induced residual radionuclides production cross-sections using AVF cyclotron for medical applications"

12. "Measurement of excitation functions for natPb(p,xn)199,200,201Pb reactions with stacked foil activation technique at KOMAC"

13. "Cosmogenic Activation: Recent Results"

14. "Studies on excitation functions of alpha-induced reactions on natFe from threshold to 45 MeV"

15. "Theoretical study of cross sections of proton-induced reactions on Cobalt"

16. "Thermoluminescence properties of 30Y2O3.30P2O5.40SiO2 vitroceramics in mixed neutron-gamma fields"

17. "Evaluation of production cross-sections for 186Re theranostic radionuclide via charged-particle induced reactions on Tungsten"

18. "Validating production of PET radionuclides in solid and liquid targets: Comparing Geant4 predictions with FLUKA and measurements"

19. "Cross-section adjustment in the fast energy range on the basis of an Asymptotic Progressing nuclear data Incremental Adjustment (APIA) methodology"

20. The role of nuclear data for fusion nuclear technology

21. Activation Cross Sections of Deuteron-Induced Reactions on Natural Palladium for 103Ag Production

22. Activation cross-section data for alpha-particle-induced nuclear reactions on natural vanadium for practical applications

23. Overview and evaluation of different nuclear level density models for the 123I radionuclide production

24. Production of novel diagnostic radionuclides in small medical cyclotrons

25. Measurement of activation cross sections of alpha particle induced reactions on iridium up to an energy of 50 MeV

26. Development of a new general nuclide inventory analysis code

27. On the (un)effectiveness of Proton Boron Capture in Proton Therapy

28. Study on cosmogenic activation in germanium detectors for future tonne-scale CDEX experiment

29. Measurement of the neutron flux at spallation sources using multi-foil activation

30. Benchmark test of JEFF-3.2, FENDL-3.0 and TENDL-2015 with TOF experiments for graphite, silicon carbide, uranium and multiple-slab samples

31. Evaluation of the Neutron Data Standards

32. Reference Cross Sections for Charged-particle Monitor Reactions

33. Developments within the WIMS Reactor Physics Code for Whole Core Calculations

34. Model-based cross section calculations on production of 43,34Sc, 45Ti, 51Cr, 54Mn, and 55Fe radioisotopes

35. Influence of pre-implanted helium on dislocation loop type in tungsten under self-ion irradiation

36. Differential dpa calculations with SPECTRA-PKA

37. Activity inventories and decay heat generation of the Test Cell facility of IFMIF-DONES

38. Uncertainty Analysis using Condor Citvap calculation codes

39. Neutron background measurements with a hybrid neutron detector at the Kuo-Sheng Reactor Neutrino Laboratory

40. Excitation functions of proton- and deuteron-induced nuclear reactions on natural iridium for the production of 191Pt

41. Study of the cosmogenic activation in NaI(Tl) crystals within the ANAIS experiment

42. Calculation of productions of PET radioisotopes via phenomenological level density models

43. Optimization of disposal method and scenario to Reduce High Level Waste Volume and Repository Footprint for HTGR

44. Primary knock on atom spectra, gas production and displacement cross section for tungsten and chromium irradiated with neutrons at energies up to 14.1MeV

45. The FISPACT-II User Manual

46. Comparison of irradiated foil measurements with activation calculations and HPGe simulations

47. A Photofission Delayed gamma-ray Spectra Calculation Tool for the Conception of a Nuclear Material Characterization Facility

48. Excitation functions for (p,x) reactions of niobium (Ep =40-90MeV): development of the 93Nb(p,4n)90Mo reaction as an intermediate-energy proton monitor

49. Double differential neutron spectra generated by the interaction of a 12 MeV/nucleon 3636S beam on a thick natCu target

50. Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natIn for 117mSn production

51. Production cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium for Ag isotopes

52. Neutron radiative capture cross section of 63,65Cu between 0.4 and 7.5 MeV

53. Activation cross-sections of proton induced reactions on natHf in the 38–65 MeV energy range: Production of 172Lu and of 169Yb

54. Optimizing the 8Li yield for the IsoDAR Neutrino Experiment

55. Targets for production of the medical radioisotopes with alpha and proton or deuteron beams

56. Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natZn for Ge and Ga production

57. Material science as basis for nuclear medicine: Holmium irradiation for radioisotopes production

58. Evaluation of neutron capture cross section on 205Pb with photo nuclear data

59. Approaching well-founded comprehensive nuclear data uncertainties: Fitting imperfect models to imperfect data

60. Analysis of cross sections of (n,t) nuclear reaction using different empirical formulae and level density models

61. Excitation functions and cross section ratios for the formation of the isomeric pairs 102m,g;101m,g;99m,gRh in the natPd(p,2pxn) reactions

62. Effects of direct interactions on deuteron induced reactions

63. Energy Production and Transmutation of Nuclear Waste by Accelerator Driven Systems

64. Activation of enriched environmental xenon by 14-MeV neutrons

65. SAMOFAR Molten Salt Fast Reactor reprocessing unit design

66. From traditional biochemical signals to molecular markers for detection of sepsis after burn injuries

67. Iron NRT- and arc-displacement cross sections and their covariances

68. Lead shutter for the IFMIF LIPAc accelerator

69. Excitation functions for (p,x) reactions of niobium in the energy range of Ep=40-90MeV

70. High-energy nuclear data uncertainties propagated to MYRRHA safety parameters

71. High-Energy Activation Simulation Coupling TENDL and SPACS with FISPACT-II

72. Excitation functions of 93Nb(p,x) reactions from threshold to 42.5 MeV

73. Nuclear data sensitivity for reactor physics parameters in a lead-cooled reactor

74. Neutron Interactions on Xe-136 and Their Impact on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Searches

75. HEIR: A High-Energy Intra-Nuclear Cascade Liège-based residual nuclear data library for simulation with FISPACT-II

76. A comparison of uncertainty propagation techniques using NDaST: full, half or zero Monte Carlo?

77. Measurements and uncertainty propagation for the natNi(p,x)61Cu reaction cross section up to the proton energies of 20 MeV

78. On Oxidation ResistanceMechanisms at 1273 K of Tungsten-Based Alloys Containing Chromium and Yttria

79. Predicting Neutron Capture Cross Sections from Nuclear Masses

80. Monoenergetic photon-induced fission cross-section ratio measurements for 235U, 238U, and 239Pu from 9.0 to 17.0 MeV

81. On suprathermal corrections to reaction rates in astrophysical plasmas

82. Measurement and covariance analysis of 59Co(n, 2n)58Co reaction cross sections at the effective neutron energies of 11.98 and 15.75 MeV

83. Excitation function of proton induced nuclear reaction on strontium: special relevance to the production of 88Y

84. Investigation on A-FNS neutron spectrum monitor system

85. Radiation Safety Analysis for the NI System in B194

86. Propagation of uncertainties in basic nuclear reaction data to uncertainties in the parameters of primary radiation damage by neutrons

87. Reproduction of neutron fluence by unfolding method with an NE213 scintillator

88. Performance assessment of adjusted nuclear data along with their covariances on the basis of fast reactor experiments

89. Volume and Surface nonlocalities terms in the neutron-nucleus elastic scattering using the velocity dependent optical potential

90. Neutron transport and benchmark on granular tungsten samples with 14.8 MeV neutrons

91. Flux weighted average cross-sections of natNi (g, x) reactions with the bremsstrahlung end-point energies of 55, 59, 61 and 65 MeV

92. A Review of (n,p) and (n,α) Nuclear Cross Sections on Palladium Nuclei Using Different Level Density Models and Empirical Formulas

93. International inter-comparison exercise on 153Sm

94. Development of Physical Processes in Geant4 for Simulation of ISOL Target-Ion-Source System

95. HiperFer, a reduced activation ferritic steel tested for nuclear fusion applications

96. Nuclear data uncertainty propagation for spectral reaction ratios

97. Measurement of the excitation function of 96Zr(a,n)99Mo for an alternative production source of medical radioisotopes

98. Excitation functions of proton-induced reactions on natFe and natZr targets for the production of cobalt and niobium isotopes

99. Production possibility of 161Tb utilizing secondary neutrons generated by protons from a low-energy cyclotron onto an isotope production target

100. Measurement of excitation functions of natTa(p,x) reactions up to 44.2 MeV

101. Advances in the measurement of the 13C(d, p)14C cross section using AMS

102. Fusion Neutrons: Tritium Breeding and Impact on Wall Materials and Components of Diagnostic Systems

103. A Study on the New Empirical Cross Section Formulae for (g, p) Reactions at 2 +/- 1 MeV Incident Energy

104. Benchmarking the HENDL-3.0 data library by simulating a sodium-cooled test reactor

105. Atomic displacement cross-sections for neutron irradiation of materials from Be to Bi calculated using the arc-dpa model

106. Consistent account of deuteron-induced reactions on natCr up to 60 MeV

107. Measurement of the cross sections of the 25Mg(n,a)22Ne reaction in the 5-6 MeV region

108. Investigation of alpha particle induced reactions on natural silver in the 40-50MeV energy range

109. Applications of C7LYC scintillators in fast neutron spectroscopy

110. New Digital Plug and Imaging Sensor for a Proton Therapy Monitoring System Based on Positron Emission Tomography

111. Production of Sc medical radioisotopes with proton and deuteron beams

112. On the importance of the neutron scattering angular distributions for the LWR fast neutron dosimetry

113. Systematics of (n, p) Reaction Cross Sections for Light Element Target Nuclei at 14.5 MeV Neutrons

114. Impact of Nuclear Data Uncertainty in the Modeling of Recoil Atom Energy Distributions in Silicon

115. Measurement of production cross sections in proton induced reactions on natural zirconium

116. Early Evaluation of Copper Radioisotope Production at ISOLPHARM

117. Promising Scandium Radionuclides for Nuclear Medicine: A Review on the Production and Chemistry up to In Vivo Proofs of Concept

118. Production routes of 107,109Cd radioisotopes via charged particle induced nuclear reactions

119. Recommended nuclear data for medical radioisotope production: diagnostic gamma emitters

120. Activation cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on niobium up to 24 MeV

121. Measurement of 96Zr(n,g)97Zr reaction cross section at the neutron energies of 0.61 and 1.05 MeV and covariance analysis for the uncertainty

122. Evaluation of production cross-sections for 61Cu non-standard PET radionuclide via light-ion-induced nuclear reactions on Co, Ni, Zn targets

123. Radioactive Transition Metals for Imaging and Therapy

124. Engineering Challenges for Accelerated Fusion Demonstrators

125. Requirement of Nuclear Data

126. Cross-section measurement of 44mSc,47Sc, 48Sc and 47Ca for an optimized 47Sc production with an 18 MeV medical PET cyclotron

127. Investigation of the Energy Spectra of 14-MeV Neutron Generators

128. 201Tl production through light charged-particle induced reactions on Tl and Hg isotopes: theoretical and simulation approaches

129. Verification of the world evaluated nuclear data libraries on the bases of integral experiments using the RTS and T code system

130. Nuclear data uncertainty analysis for the Po-210 production in MYRRHA

131. Comments on the status of modern covariance data based on different fission and fusion reactor studies

132. Development of computer code IGDC for generation and depletion of fission products and actinides in pressure tube type heavy water reactors (PT-HWRs) using Klopfenstien-Shampine numerical differentiation formula (NDF)

133. Paleo-detectors: Searching for Dark Matter with Ancient Minerals

134. Production cross sections of Mo, Nb and Zr radioisotopes from a-induced reaction on natZr

135. Measuring neutron capture rates on ILL-produced unstable isotopes (147Pm, 171Tm and 204Tl, and plans for 79Se and 163Ho) for nucleosynthesis studies

136. Displacement damage study on Tungsten, Iron for fusion neutrons

137. Contributions to the study of the unresolved resonance range of neutron-induced reactions

138. ANITA-NC: A code system for modelling material activation induced by neutral or charged particles

139. Neutronic Analysis of IFMIF-DONES Test Cell Cooling System

140. Analysis of backgrounds for the ANAIS-112 dark matter experiment

141. Measurements of 60Ni(p,n)60Cu reaction cross-sections and covariance analysis of the uncertainty

142. Background assessment for the TREX Dark Matter experiment

143. Detailed data sets related to the covariance analysis of the measurement of cross section data of 232Th(n, 2n)231Th reaction

144. Estimation of polonium radionuclides in proton irradiated lead-bismuth eutectic (LBE) targets by LSC-TDCR technique and gamma spectrometry

145. Experimental and theoretical study of rhenium radioisotopes production for manufacturing of new compositional radiopharmaceuticals

146. Determination of 59Ni(n,xp) reaction cross sections using surrogate reactions

147. alculated astatine-211 production yields for radioimmunotherapy

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